I Think Im In Love

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A/N ok so I've decided on making amber heard , Jenna and , Fransisco Lachowski is jack.

Anyway, just thought that you might like to know. Happy reading!


"Hey Jenna, come here a second"

"Be right there"

"Hurry, please"

"Don't worry I won't keep you waiting"

"I'll wait forever to be with you" he coos in my ear when I finally come out of the kitchen from doing the dishes.

"I know you will" its been a week sense I last saw Jack, it's been a busy week and we can never find the time to hang out. He's been so sweet to me, he's helped me with the chores I have to do sense my dad left the house for an academy for his job as a police man. He hasn't judged me by the clothes i'm wearing, which consist of yoga pants, a t-shirt, and flip-flops. He hasn't cracked a rude joke, or even made a comment about how messy my house is.

"Hey Jenna?"


"I want to apologize about trying to make you jealous, I'm such an idiot and the giult has been killing me. I know I haven't properly apologized yet so I'm doing it now."

"Yeah, why did you do that? You know you don't have to go on dates with girls I hate to earn your spot in my life."

"I know, I know but I hated that you looked so happy with him. I felt like I wasn't a part of you anymore, I felt like you didn't care about me."

"I'm so sorry, I put you through that and didn't even think about it. Jack can you forgive me?"

"Anything for you princess" he puts down the vacuum that he was using to clean the living room.

He slowly inches toward me with a slight grin on his face. My gosh, he looks so hot like this, I wish I saw this side of him before. His beautiful deep blue eyes gently gazing into mine.

"Remember when you promised a date with me?" His whisper is barely audible but I understood clearly.

"This is it, isn't it?"

"It couldn't be more perfect." With that he leans in and presses his gentle lips against mine, I immediately reply by moving my lips slowly matching his every move perfectly. It's a great feeling, having him so close. It's more than I could ever imagine. But just as soon as it started it stopped and Jack pulled away. I want to beg him to keep kissing me for eternity, but I think better of it. See, I have this reputation of being totally cool around guys and never letting them get to me so if I come off as too desperate Jack will see that I want more. He will tease me for it for the rest of my life, we aren't even dating for Pete sake. Wait are? Does he think we are? Does his friends think we are? Ugh I hate the way I over think things.

Jack breaks the silence, "So want to watch a movie?"

"Anything to keep you here with me"

"That's my girl"

We finally settle on watching 'Soul Surfer' we set out a few blankets on the for in front of the T.V. we. both lay on the ground while the previews and the credits are playing. Eventually the movie starts and we both pay full attention to the screen.

"Hey jack, would you like a snack or something to drink?"

"Umm... Some popcorn would be nice, and if it's no trouble to you maybe some lemonade?"

"Well make your self at home, oh and while your at it why don't you move in too? I mean your already getting comfortable right? Why not? I state in a cold sarcastic tone.

"Already done, oh and I plan on it sweetheart." He winks at me with a winning smile that would normally make any girl melt on the inside, but not me. I be been seeing this smile for the past eleven years, I'm not going to let it get to me now.

"I don't doubt it"

"Hey could you hurry up? I'm hungry."

"You are unbelievable"

"I thing you mean unbelievably handsome"

"Nope, just unbelievable. Here. Happy now?" I say while shoving a bowl of pop corn at Jack and poor a little lemonade in the bowl with it.

"Now was that nessesary?"


"Shhhhhh, quiet the movie is just getting to the part where Bethany sneaks out" Jack is shoving handfuls of popcorn in his mouth while staring at the T.V. screen.

"Oh what ever. By the way, I love your haircut. It's really working for you."

"Im glad you think so, it was just for you."


The rest of the movie I am asleep in his arms having a rather pleasant dream about meeting Jack and all of the possible people that I could've sat with that day, and out of all of the people I could've met, it was him and I cant think of a better out come.

"Jenna, can we talk for a minute?"

"I don't see why not."

"Do you remember that very first day we met?"

"Only fractions of it. Why?"

"I remember every single second, you were in your cute little pink dress with your hair in piggy tails, I remember you told me that you were wearing your favorite shoes. They were glittery, silver with tiny silver bows on top. Your eyes were not shy but brave and they couldn't have been more blue, or more perfect. The moment you introduced yourself I knew I was a goner, I bought that for sure you would meet a guy better than me and never look back. But look at us now, still friends, still here-"

"How... Why... You....... What?"

"That day repeats in my head, everyday sense then. I can't stop myself from thinking about it, and how the possibilities of you choosing to sit somewhere else were endless."

"I was just thinking the same thing, and it always killed me to see you with another girl. I always thought I would never be good enough for you."

"Those girls were just distractions, those girls came and went, but you stayed with me for 11 years."

My heart is racing with excitement, all I can do to keep from exploding is to gaze upon those gorgeous blue eyes. I never want to look anywhere else, I never want him to leave.

"Oh crap. Jenna I have to go. My dad got an argument with my mom and now they are throwing things, my sister is freaking out. She's having to dodge the frying pans that are flying at her head and she's already bleeding cause my dad hit her. I can't leave her there like that."

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, please be safe. And send your sister over here when she is feeling better, please."

I can't wait to see Chloe, Jack's sister, she must be horrified right now. I can't help but think about the scared look in her eye, how brushed and battered she must be.

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