Another one bites the dust

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"I can't believe Turner asked her out! I mean I'm just her friend but he knows she's my turf!" I complained to Mitch. I had a couple of girls stolen from me like that. One day they were head over heals for me then they got asked out but a dreamy guy and it was like they didn't even know who I was.
"Yeah it's totally unbelievable that he asked out a girl that he knew you were just friends with" he says sarcastically.
"I cant stop thinking about Jenna she's perfect in every way. I don't have but the slightest idea why she's on my mind all the time. I think about her day and night."
"It sounds like you've got a bad case of the Jenna's" Mitch remarked sympathetically.
"The what?"
"The Jenna's, she's a heart breaker, she's broken so many boy's heart that that's a thing now at several schools" Mitch said matter of factly.

"I can't stop thinking about Jack. He's perfect in every way. I don't know what to do with myself. We are just friends and that's all we will ever be but, I just feel more comfortable around him, like I can actually be myself around him." she complained to her friend Nikki.
"I think that you'd better get ready for your date and we'll talk later ok?" Nikki said in a compermising tone.
It's been two days since I was asked out by Turner. Tuesday and Wednsday were a blur, everything's been happening so fast I don't know how I'm still alive. Today I have a date with Turner at seven o'clock. I'm so exited about the date I wonder where he's taking me. I need to text Turner and ask if I need to wear something formal or casual.
"Hey Turner I didn't know if I need to wear some thing formal or casual? - Jenna
"Wear somthin' pretty sweetheart, and don't forget the perfume ;) - Turner
Ok this guy was really flirtatious. I mean he's nice and all but really had a to add the whole perfume thing?
"Alright see ya in a bit" - Jenna

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