The beginning

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10 things you should know about me BEFORE reading my book

1. I'm blonde, so I will be making a lot of typos

2. I love making blonde jokes, even though I am one >:)

3. I am new at this whole "writing a book thing" so if you could just cut me some slack that would be great

4. I'm an outdoors person

5. I have a very large imagination, I frequently have scary thoughts because of it, I hate my imagination

6. I love dogs

7. I'm good in school

8. It's not very easy to get on my bad side

9. I'm a loyal friend so if you need a shoulder to cry on just know I'm here for you

10. If there was such thing as a disorder where your too happy all the time, I would be diagnosed with it😜



"Hi I'm Jenna, is this seat taken? " I'm not shy at all, but haven't really talked much today I think he is one of the only people who know my name, next to the teacher and the principle.

"By you." He replies politely, but a little flirty.

"Thanks." As she plops down in the chair an the lunch room.

"By the way I'm Jack, I case you wanted to know"

He has light brown hair and is super nice. He doesn't look to shy and he has lots of friends.

"I'm new here, I used to go to little rock elementary, but we moved so now I go to school here" I say in a straight forward voice trying to sound as grownup as possible.

"Cool. Wanna meet some of my friends?" He asks motioning to all the people at the table.

"Sure why not?" I'm looking forward to meeting these guys but I'm a little nervous that they won't want to be my friend.

"Ok this is Reggie, Charlie, Mitch, Steven, and Ralf." I can tell that these boys won't have a problem with me sitting here judging by the fact that they are all looking at me grinning like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jenna and I moved here from Washington D.C."


We are much older now, much more mature but I can't seem to get my mind off of Jack. I hate the fact that he gets to me like this, I guess I'm just anxious to see what he will look like. He also didn't text me what so ever this summer, so I'm wandering if I said some thing terrible to him before the summer va-ca because he normally would be texting me every second of the day.

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