Picky friend hunter

Start from the beginning

"U-um, sorry. I'm— I'm..." They gulped, hugging themselves. You're starting to feel uncomfortable around them, maybe you should give this one up and continue your friend search.

"...I got somewhere to be. See you around." You interrupted their pathetic spluttering. You gave them a polite smile and wave before walking away.

The student you just freed from their locker watched you walk away with teary eyes. No! They blew it! They weirded you out!

They sobbed in their hands, they lost their chance to make a friend. Why can't they do anything right?

You watched a boy play basketball in the empty basketball court. You sat on the bleachers and watch him professionally dribble it.

This boy is a bit... questionable. He has the looks, the physique, the talent, the height and the charming aura. Why isn't he with his friends? Where are the girls admiring him from afar?

You initially wanted to be friends with him, but his circumstances seem... suspicious. For all you know, he could be bad news and you want to choose your friends carefully.

You deduced that he's somewhat snobbish and arrogant. You were watching him for a while now, on the bleachers, very visible to him. He did not once bat an eye at you, no 'hello', no 'hi', no waves and no smile.

You checked your wrist watch and shook your head. He is not worth your time and the title of your friend.

You stood up and began turning around until—

"Hey!" You turned your head to him and gave him a wave. He had a curious and wary look on his face, the basketballer approached you.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked. Wow. Rude.

"(Y/n)(l/n), just transfered here. Nice to meet you." You extended your hand out for him to shake. He did not accept it, the boy just stared at it.

"...not a guy for handshakes, huh? That's cool. What's your name?" You asked.

"What were you doing?" He ignored your question.

"Watching your great balling skills. Good job." You gave him two thumbs up and a toothy grin. He seem surprised by your reaction, did he expect something else?

"Go away, you're distracting me." He snarled. Oops, bad choice coming here and talking to him.

"Sure thing." You mumbled, walking away from the spot, making a mental note to never come here during lunch or else you will meet a very arrogant jerk.

"Wait." He called out.

"Got places to be. 'Scuse me." You did not stop.

Then, you gasped when the boy grabbed your wrist. Now slightly horrified, you positioned yourself to attack him in case he tried something funny.

"Can you play basketball?" He asked, you swore you could have felt a bit of desperation in his voice.

You relaxed your shoulders and wrenched your wrist away from him.

"Don't ever touch me again. And no, sorry bud. Can't jump to save my life." You turned back around and quickened your pace. You don't feel safe with him, you could see why he's alone, his anger issues and lack of social skills probably drove everyone away.

"I can teach you!" He jogged after you.

"Sorry again, bud. Not the athletic type." You dismissively waved. The boy stopped in his tracks to glare holes on your back.

"Fine! Go do whatever stupid shit you want! Like I care!" He snapped.

"Sure thing, bud." You nonchalantly replied before leaving.

A book where i can do whatever the hell i wantWhere stories live. Discover now