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Lillian wished she was that lucky, to kiss Cain and he would be dead, but she wasn't, which meant she had to get rid of the mark, but she had other things to do right now

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Lillian wished she was that lucky, to kiss Cain and he would be dead, but she wasn't, which meant she had to get rid of the mark, but she had other things to do right now.

Amenadiel had called a family meeting at LUX, and now they're waiting on Lucifer. They heard someone walking up the stairs went meant Lucifer was here.

"Lucifer, where have you been?" Lillian stood up and crossed her arms.

"Saving a marriage." Lucifer smugly says walking towards the bar throwing his coat a nearby chair while passing.

"Listen, I've called a family meeting waiting to tell you that, I finally figured out what my task is from Father to get my powers back." Lillian rolled her eyes at what Amenadiel said, she thought this going to be a good thing, but no.

"Ah? Well, this should be the opposite of interesting." Lucifer turned around to start making his drink.

"It's you, Brother, you are my task." Lillian gasped in shock, she didn't think this was where the conversation was going to go.

"Slightly more interesting," Lillian mutters but no one seemed to hear her.

"How am I your task?" Lucifer takes a sip of the drink he made and Lillian walks over to make her own, she felt like she was going to need something strong for today.

"I have no idea, I mean, am I supposed to help you, teach you?" Amenadiel looks at Lillian who shrugs in response.

"Maybe you were sent down here for a reason." Lillian jokingly says but Amenadiel's eyes light up.

"Maybe that means I'm supposed to learn from you!" Amenadiel points at Lucifer like he got it right.

"Well, if you need to understand me, Brother, then you first must, take a walk in my Italian loafers." Lillian laughed and accidentally choked on her drink.

"Are you alright Lilli?" Lucifer looks over at her worried, but Lillian brushes him off.

"I'm fine Luci, keep talking." Lillian flashes him a sweet smile, fake but Lucifer doesn't know that.

"All right, tell me how to "Lucifer"." Amenadiel puts air quotes around Lucifer.

"Baby steps, it took EONs to perfect this." Lucifer motions to himself.

"First off, a makeover." Lillian can't help the squeal that comes out of her mouth, she just knows this is gonna be fun If Amenadiel gets nothing out of this Lillian will because Amenadiel would make a fool of himself.

Lillian got a ding on her phone so she bid her goodbyes from her brothers, as sad as she was to leave and not see Amenadiel all dressed up like Lucifer she had to get her plan rolling, she was on her way to the warehouse, she didn't have a car but she didn't need one, in her opinion.

Lillian noticed a car following her, Lillian moved down to where she kept her knife and was ready to harm them if they tried to do anything when the car slowed down beside her and rolled down the window, it was Dan Espinoza.

"Hey, you okay?" Dan leaned over squinting his eyes making sure it was Lillian.

"Hello Daniel, I'm perfectly fine, just on my way to see friends." Lillian lied squatting down to look at Dan.

"Didn't know you had friends, sorry that was rude, do you need a ride?" Lillian smirks at the blush that goes over Dan's face because of his comment.

"Thank you but I'm gonna pass." Lillian leaned up to squint and Lillian can see the warehouse in the distance.

"Please, Lucifer would kill me if I let you walk by yourself." Lillian sighed, she wanted to tell Dan she isn't a helpless little girl but decided not to, she thought what is the worst thing that can happen.

"Sure, why not." Lillian heard the click of the lock and opened Dan's door, she didn't bother buckling because it wasn't that far.

"Where do you need to go?" Dan looks at Lillian before letting the sun visor down so it blocks the sun while he's driving.

"See that warehouse up there, right there." Lillian points to the warehouse.

"Odd place to meet your friends." Dan chuckles but starts driving.

Lillian laughs, she looks at Dan and notices something attached to the visor, it seemed to be a picture of a guy.

"Who's that?" Lillian asked motioning to the picture on the visor, Dan gulps and pushes the visor back up.

"My boyfriend." Dan bluntly says.

"Oh, didn't know you were gay." Lillian chuckles but feels like shrinking in her chair.

"I'm bisexual, please don't tell anyone, only Chloe and Trixie know." Dan parks on the side of the road next to the warehouse.

"Of course, can I ask why?" Lillian goes to open the door but her curiosity is taking over.

"No one at the station knows and my family doesn't beside my sister, my boyfriend also works at the station so we aren't sure if we would get in trouble in not." Dan gives Lillian a small smile to which she grins back.

"Thanks for telling me, and thanks for dropping me off." Lillian opens the door and lets her heels click against the sidewalk.

Lillian waves by to Dan and shuts the door, Lillian makes sure Dan drives off before putting the code in to get into the warehouse.

Lillian instantly saw Jael and Mara talking by the table looking over the plans.

"Hello, Queen." Mara brings Jael's attention to the fact that Lillian came into the warehouse.

"Hello, what are you demons working on?" Lillian asks walking around them.

"Trying to see if we can remove the mark," Jael answers for Mara.

"Did you guys find anything?" Lillian crosses her arms and looks at the board, if she's gonna kill all these people, she's going to need weapons.

"We did not queen, do you know anything new?" Mara looks at Lillian with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Yes, we're gonna need two more prison cells built," Lillian smirked as the idea came into her mind.

"Yes, we're gonna need two more prison cells built," Lillian smirked as the idea came into her mind

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