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Lillian was busy, they had an influx of souls coming into Hell so Lillian had no time to work on how she was getting out of Hell

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Lillian was busy, they had an influx of souls coming into Hell so Lillian had no time to work on how she was getting out of Hell.

"How is working on getting out of Hell coming along?" Jael asks sitting on the edge of Lillian's desk munching on an apple.

"Slow, we've been backed up with souls a lot today. Of course, the demons have been having problems so I've had to sort it all." Sort it all out was code for killing the demons, of course, they would come back to life because Lillian wouldn't kill them permanently, it would do the trick though, they would follow Lillian's direction.

"That reminds me, a Jason Carlisle keeps mentioning Lucifer, he killed himself." Jael throws the apple core on the ground and Pluto walked over and ate it.

"In the way, he knew Lucifer or in a way he wants out?" Lillian crossed her arms.

"Like he knew Lucifer, or at least met him before," Jael says walking with Lillian when she storms out of her office.

"What's his torture?" Lillian's heels click on the floor of Hell.

"He's reliving the time he killed a student when he was an uber driver." Jael and Lillian stop in front of the door that's labeled Jason Carlisle.

Lillian allowed Jael to open the door for her, as soon as Lillian and Jael stepped inside they heard a noise and felt "air" blowing their hair, they saw Jason running around the car screaming for it to stop, but Lillian smirked knowing that no matter how much Jason screamed, it would never stop, not even Lillian had the power to stop it.

"Jason Carlisle?" Lillian interrupts his screaming.

"You aren't normal, who are you?" Jason sounded scared, which was good for Lillian, she could use this.

"I'm the Queen of Hell, I run this place." Lillian crosses her arms lifting her head steeling her features looking at Jason.

"Can you get me out of here? I didn't do anything wrong." Jason pleads with Lillian, Lillian had to hold in her scoff, if you're in Hell you're guilty of something, sometimes the souls take forever to learn that but they do, eventually.

"Have you met a guy named Lucifer recently?" Lillian ignores the question and gets on to her business.

"He's a real piece of shit, he's the reas- wait you know Lucifer?" Jason begins to talk but he stops when he realized what she asked.

"He's my brother, how do you know Lucifer?" Lillian changes the subject.

"He messed up my plans, I was trying to prove that I wasn't at fault for the crash and by doing that I was telling people to hurt themselves to save someone else, it worked until Lucifer messed me up." Jason shakes his head, but Lillian got just what she needed.

"Can you get me out of here?" Jason grabs Lillian's arm, Jael steps up to stop him but Lillian tells Jael to back off.

"Darling, I would love to, but you're here forever." Lillian yanks her arm out of Jason's grasp and leaves him. Heels clicking Lillian lets Jael open the door for her back into the halls of Hell.

She breathes deep smiling, she's got all she needs, it seems like someone is leading Lucifer straight for her, and she had to start planning out what cards to play or she won't go anywhere that she wants too.

"Get Mara to come to my office." Lillian barks at Jael who nods and goes to find Mara.

Lillian walks towards her office, head held high, waving off anyone who tried to get her attention, if they needed her, they can ask Mara or Jael as they're like Lillian's right-hand people.

Lillian pushed her office door open, slipping off her heels, letting the hot floor of Hell soak into her feet, she walks over to her board that holds her plans which has one end goal, to kill Lucifer.

"Jael said you wanted to see me, Queen?" Mara walks into her office bowing to the queen.

"Yes, I want you to keep an eye on anyone who says they've met Lucifer, Jason Carlisle is the second person in two days who've said they've met Lucifer, I feel that my time is coming soon and I want to be prepared." Lillian runs her finger across the picture of Mazikeen.

"Yes my Queen, is that all?" Mara asks politely.

"Yes, you can go." Lillian bluntly says and Mara exits the room leaving Lillian in silence once again.

There are two things that Lillian hasn't discovered yet which impacts her plan, her weakness and how to get out of Hell, Lillian thinks she doesn't have a weakness but every angel including fallen angels of weaknesses but Lillian hasn't found hers yet, she doesn't want too because it would ruin everything.

Lillian just hopes her weakness isn't too bad and she can handle it well, if not she's gonna have a problem.

Lillian begins to go into her little world writing things out that she needs to do before she kills Lucifer she's obviously is going to pretend they're friends, which isn't that hard for Lillian because she's been doing in forever.

What's going to be hard is having to lie to Mazikeen, Lillian has never been able to do that very well, luckily Lillian wasn't planning this huge plan to kill Lucifer until after Lucifer took Lillian's girlfriend away from her.

Lillian huffs, plopping down into her chair, it was made out of bones, that was one of the first things she did when she was made Queen, have the Demons make her a chair for her office, she puts her hand under her chin looking at the wall, smirking she gets up and grabs some ink, she circles Amenadiel's name with the word kill beside it, not only was she planning to kill Lucifer but she might as well kill the person who told God to throw her out of Hell.

"Queen! Come quick!" Mara burst into her office, putting the ink on her table she runs out of her office not caring she doesn't have shoes on.

"Lucifer's back!" A demon says.

Lillian meets Jael's eye and smirks, it seems her plan was speeding up.

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Dulce Periculum || Mazikeen ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin