Sarawat looked up from zipping up his guitar case, his gaze gliding over the dispersing crowd that had gathered around them while he had played, and then further over the flowing sea of people at the big shopping square, eyes zeroing on a far too familiar figure.

It was Pam, she was hanging off of another guy's arm while shyly laughing at something, one slender hand covering her mouth. The young female looked as beautiful as always. Her long, thick hair was cascading down her back and the flared, short skirt accentuated her tiny waist with a blouse tucked in at the waistband.

Sarawat's brows furrowed instantly at seeing his girlfriend out with an unfamiliar guy. A strange emotion was seething just below his skin. Sarawat's jaw popped when he clamped his straight teeth shut on a snarl. What the hell was she doing? A fire ignited inside his dark eyes and he made an onset to elbow forward through the crowd but was stopped by a strong hand on his shoulder.

"H-hey," Boss tried to clam his friend down. "Take it easy, just talk to her later. This is probably just a misunderstanding."

Sarawat scoffed and then turned his menacing, dark gaze on his friend and Boss felt an irrational, nervous flutter along his spine. Sarawat could be quite scary at times.

Sarawat jerked free from the other one's grasp and went back to packing up his things from the street, his movements sharp and erratic.

"Where's Man?" Sarawat asked through clenched teeth. His thoughts were still a little washed out and sublimated by the buzzing disbelief that was still dominating his senses. Pam was fucking unbelievable.


Sarawat combed a hand through his hair frustratingly, dropping his things unceremoniously on the floor between some cardboard boxes. He sank down onto the floor limply, leaning his back against the bed frame, elbows on his knees as he cradled his head between them. He exhaled harshly and threw his head backwards in agitation, blinking up at the white ceiling, long eyelashes fluttering.

What the hell was wrong with Pam? He fisted his tanned hands against his knees.

She could have at least been honest with him if she no longer wanted to be together. They had been childhood friends first and foremost, before even venturing into the uncharted territory of dating, as everyone had expected them to. If she did not want to be together anymore then she could be honest with him. Sarawat counted on that. No, she owned him that. They were friends after all, thus that sort of honesty should not be an issue. They usually discussed everything. One side of Sarawat's lips ticked upwards crookedly. Well, almost everything as he had no idea who that dude had been.

Going to different universities had surely put a strain on their relationship, made them more distant and more prone to dishonesty. It was too easy to hide and sweep away some of the things that neither of them had any strength to discuss at this rate. Sarawat furrowed his brows while thinking. They had indeed been talking less and less over these past few months, much less going on dates.

Pam had a strong individualistic personality, determined to succeed on her own, rarely acting spoiled. She came from a long line of doctors and the expectations for her future were high. And as many things in their sort of privileged lives, a career came before any silly relationship. Except, maybe she had wanted him to be there all along, supporting her from the sidelines. Had Sarawat misunderstood her? Shit.

He groaned in frustration. It was meaningless to speculate at this rate. She should just tell him if something was wrong. Pam had never hesitated to do that before.

Sarawat exhaled. He felt bummed out thinking about all of this, bringing these veiled thoughts to the front of his mind from where they had been stowed away. They would probably break up once he brought all of this up. Huh. Strange but Sarawat felt only apprehensive thinking about it. He was not really reeling with any gut wrenching sadness should they actually decide to go their separate way. Being together had just been a natural, almost mechanic step in their relationship. He had thought that he loved her. Had he not?

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