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"f-fuck" jungkook whimpered, grabbing the bed sheets, as the blue haired boy kisses up the gryffindors spine and then, planting purple marks across his bare neck.

"n-no go- fuck, go back down." jungkooo whines.

"come on, cum baby." jimin whispers, squeezing the withering boys cock, and just like that, jungkook comes all over jimins fingers.

jungkook collapses on the bed, as jimin leaves, then coming back with a wet cloth, turning jungkook over and wiping him down. "alright come on, ur clothes are just here."

"like hell i'm leaving, i'm staying right here all night. sleep on the floor." jungkook says.

"but this is my bed? jungkook come on get up." jimins says, grabbing the latters arm, pulling him up.

"no." jungkook says sleepily looking around the dorm, "this is my room now. sleep on the floor." he says moving from jimins grip to turn on his side, getting under the covers and closing his eyes.

jimin just stands there, thinking about how much of a brat jungkook is.

"this is my bed and i'm sleeping in it." the slytherin says grabbing his boxers and chucking them on before slipping into the bed too.

"what! no! get out!" jungkook screeches, kicking jimins legs. "seriously this bed is to small for both of us go away."

"This is my bed!" jimins shouts, turning around folding his arms over the covers.

"fine! stay on your side, this side is mine." jungkook says turning the opposite way, making sure not to touch so much as a hair in jimins body.

and if jungkook happens to have wrapped himself around jimin in the night, no one else needed to know

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