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 I sat over the cliff watching the sunset while petting Dodger on his head. The bright orange colors reflecting the ocean waters brought a warm smile to my face. Is Papa watching the sunset in Storybrooke too? My smile slowly faltered as I started wondering is he looking for me? Is he beating Greg and Tamara to a bloody pulp? What about Emma, David, and Snow? Do they know I'm gone? Are they wondering where I am? How long has it been since I've been stuck here? A day? Two days? A week? It feels like forever. But with Pan's magic, I'll never know.

I looked down at Dodger and let out a breath. "Looks like we're stuck here together, huh?" Dodger whimpered before snuggling closer to me. "I bet you had a nice family back home." I looked at the red bandana around his neck. "The bandana is a nice touch. At least it's not those fancy collars those bloody lots like to put. And at least it's just a bandana. I wouldn't imagine if your owners wanted to dress you up. Then I would understand why you ran away."

Dodger whimpered.

"Well, at least you have one friend in hell," I joked. I smiled down. "And when I get out of this god awful place, I'm taking you with me. How does that sound?" Dodger started wagging his tail and barked happily. "I'm taking that as a yes." I sighed again. "How did you survive this island this long?"

Dodger barked again and got up before running towards the forest. He turned and barked at me again before running inside. I think he wants me to follow him. I got up from my spot and grabbed my sword before going after him.

Neverland (Past) (3rd POV)

Killian ran through the forest. He made sure he dodged all of the Dreamshade before coming to a halt at the bottom of the mountain. He looked up as the waterfall cascaded down. His ears perked up when he heard the faint sounds of Cassandra crying.

"She's here, Mr. Smee," he breathed as he grabbed one of the rocks and started to climb.

"But - But what if it's just some trick?" Smee stuttered.

"Then I won't know until I get up there." Hook grabbed another rock and started climbing. "I'm not losing my daughter to that demon."

"But, Captain -"

"I'm not losing her, Mr. Smee!" Hook barked. He looked down at his right-hand man. Smee noticed the cold gaze from Hook slowly softening. "She's the only thing I have left. The only thing that reminds me of Milah. I'm not going to lose my own flesh and blood."

Smee's mouth slowly opened. Milah's death really took a toll on Hook, that's why they were here in the first place. Killian Jones still wasn't over losing his love. And he wanted to exact revenge on the Crocodile for taking her away from him. Away from having the happy family she finally got.

Hook sighed as he turned back around and started climbing. "Besides, who's going to look after the Jolly Roger after I'm gone?"


Neverland (Present) (Cassandra's POV)

I followed Dodger all around the forest, confused about where he's taking me. My brows furrowed when we came to a clearing. There was a small cave. Dodger spun around and barked again before going inside the hole. So, I guess I'm supposed to go in. Is this what my life's come to now?

I knelt down and looked around the hole. It looked like I could fit inside. I got down on my knees and started to crawl in. Dodger kept barking for me to follow him. There was a bright light on the other side. Once I was out of the hole, my eyes darted around the spacious cave. I got up and looked around. There was a bed not that far with a candle on the ground a few feet away from it.

Cause I'm Yours 》Once Upon A TimeWhere stories live. Discover now