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Papa knows his way around Neverland better than anyone I know. I should know because I'm the one who helped him draw the map once we were off this death trap of an island. If Regina and Emma were smart then they would listen to him. Emma, I'm positive she'll agree - given the circumstances. Regina...that's a whole different story. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to burn the bloody island to the ground.

Another I forgot to consider is the Crocodile. Given his past with Pan, I'm sure he'll be here too. Which means, not only do I need to leave a clue for Papa but for him as well. And I can't really hear myself think with all the Lost Boys hollering and dancing around the campfire.

My only goal now is to make sure Henry is safe. Feelings or not, Pan isn't going to get his heart. There has to be another way for him to live but stealing Henry's heart isn't the answer.

"You're starting to get on my nerves, Sparrow," Felix said as he stood in front of me. "Why don't you just give up and let Pan take his heart? You know how long he's been looking for that heart. Now that he has it, he won't let anything stand in his way. Including you."

I gave Felix a sarcastic smile as I ran my fingers through Henry's hair. "Then he's going to have to kill me if he wants to get to Henry. Which means, you'll lose the only other person who'll tolerate you in Neverland."

Oh, how the roles have reversed. In the original movie version, Peter Pan was the hero who saved the Lost Boys and the Darlings from the evil Captain Hook. But that is another tale people have gotten wrong. The thought of the movies portraying Papa having a waxed mustache and perm got me to snort. I really need to show Papa the movie.

"What's so funny?" Felix asked.

"Don't worry, mate, you wouldn't understand." I tilted my head to the side. Who would Felix be from the movie? I wanna assume Slightly. And now I'm picturing Felix in the fox onesie. Speaking of the fox, he decided to sit next to me. "You're not gonna celebrate?"

"I'll celebrate once Pan gets the heart and his Lost Girl stays in Neverland."

I sighed. "Not gonna happen. So save your breath."

Not everyone can have a great love story like Snow and Charming.

Enchanted Forest (Past)

"This way!" I yelled as Charming and I rode through the forest. We spotted the dwarves up the clearing, surrounding a glass coffin. Oh, now, we're too late. Why, lass, why?

"You're too late," Doc stated sadly before looking back at the coffin. They were about to move the coffin but Charming shook his head. 

"No. No!" Charming yelled. The dwarves stopped what they were doing as Charming rushed toward the coffin. "Open it."

They complied and opened the lid. Charming cradled Snow's face before giving her one last kiss goodbye. Suddenly, the ground shook before we were surrounded by this light, the magic breaking and waking Snow.

Charming carried Snow out of the coffin and asked, "Will you marry me?"

Snow smiled. "What do you think?"


I'm so happy for Snow and Charming. They're finally together and now we, and the dwarves, are rallying the villagers to fight the Evil Queen.

"The Evil Queen murdered my father, put me under a Sleeping Curse, but I am not the only one she has made to suffer," Snow listed.

"Yeah!" the crowd agreed.

Cause I'm Yours 》Once Upon A TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang