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I don't love him.

I don't love him.

I don't love him.

I am not in love with bloody Peter Pan.

He's a demon.

This whole island is his trap.

I don't mean anything to him.

He doesn't mean anything to me.

He's only using me.

Yet, somehow I can't help my stupid feelings for him that want to resurface. I know I shouldn't feel something for him after everything but my heart won't stop beating that fast whenever I'm around him. And that kiss just made things more difficult.

"I hate emotions," I muttered to myself before looking at Dodger. I pouted before petting his head. "Why can't I just be heartless like Cora?" Dodger barked at me which got me to nod. "Yeah, I would have to rip my heart out and store it somewhere safe." I rolled my eyes as I leaned my head back against the tree. "That's right. If I did that now and hide it in Neverland then Peter would find it and bloody use it against me." Dodger barked again. "Good thing it's just us for now. Pan and the Lost Boys went to something. How is Fagin doing?"

"Talking to that mutt again?" I heard Felix as he sat next to me.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm talking to you, aren't I? How is this different?" I patted my lap for Dodger to come. Dodger laid his head on my lap while I petted his head. "Except this one is a better companion. And he doesn't smell like most of the twink here."

"Funny," Felix replied sarcastically.

"So, why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Pan?"

"He was worried the Sparrow was lonely so he send me." He smirked. "So how was your 'evening'?"

I groaned. "Why am I not bloody surprised? He told you."

"He seemed in a good mood, I figure to put two and two together. Does this mean we've got our  Lost Girl back?"

"I'm not a Lost Girl. You know this."

"But you were before when you thought your papa didn't love you."

"Again, another trick by Peter.  I know Papa loves me very much."

"You sure about that? From what I've gathered, he abandoned you and didn't even bother to go look for you."

"He was tricked by the Crocodile -"

"Who is also your father."

"- into thinking I was dead."

"Is that what he told you? That he believed you were dead and just left without getting solid evidence. I mean, sure there was a body, but the Dark One is known to be a trickster. I mean, who else would he have gotten it from?"

I glared at him. "Don't remind me of that."

"You knew, yet you decided to stay with him."

"Yes, I bloody knew Peter used to be the Crocodile's neighbor who smogged with his mom, who abandoned him when they came to Neverland. It bugged me at first but I got past it because I didn't love him back then. And because I spent so much time with him, I forgot about the horrible things he's done because I ended up loving him." Felix's smirk grew. "I know he's not a good person but that never stopped my feelings and me getting attached to all of you." I furrowed my brows when his smirk didn't falter. "And what the bloody hell are you smirking about?"

"You just admitted you still love Pan," Felix sang.

I scoffed. "No, I didn't."

"You didn't say you hate him."

"I do."

"What happened to pirates not being able to lie? I smell utter manure right there." He got closer to Dodger. "Or it's that mutt?" Dodger growled at him.

"Oh, please, you just want your Sparrow back. And Peter knows I hate you less that's why he's got you here."

"Or the fact that you and I were best friends before you left..."

"Don't you blame this on me. He's the one who decided to let me go. He didn't care that I left so if you want to blame someone then blame him."

"He didn't care or is that what he wanted you to think?"

I scoffed. "Now, you've lost your marbles."

"You and Pan have been together for years. You didn't think for once how it's odd he suddenly decided to let you go? He was giving you a choice and you failed. You really are the drunk one's daughter."

"Yes, because he's going to make me pick between him and Papa? Sucky choice of words if he wanted me to stay."

"It wasn't between him and Hook?"

Ok, he's getting me confused. "What are you talking about?"

"What have you been doing in Neverland all this time?"

"Thinking of ways to kill the Dark One."

"But what were you doing instead?"

"Having fun with you lot. I don't see what -"

Felix rolled his eyes. "You really are stupid if you can't figure it out. The choice was between hatred or happiness?"

"Between hating you guys and loving my freedom?"

He grabbed my shoulders. "Between getting revenge that's not even yours or staying here with us. Killing the Dark One is your father's choice, not yours. The Lost Boys thought you would have chosen them, so you can imagine what happened when they found out their Lost Girl didn't want to stay with them."

"Because he killed my mama. So it was fair to let my father kill him."

"Yet, the Dark One is still alive and you're back where you belong. This is your second chance, so I suggest you do the right thing."

Oh, that's rich coming from him.

"The right thing for me to do is to get off this bloody island and go home to..." I stopped when I heard the Lost Boys hollering. They came out of the woods as Peter walked out carrying something. More like someone. I furrowed my brows as he set the boy down. The moment I saw the boy's face, my eyes widened as I shot up from my place and ran toward him. "Henry!"

"I take it that you know him," Peter stated.

I cradled Henry's face in my hands. "Henry?" I glared at him. "What the hell did you wankers do to him?"

"We didn't do anything. We saved him." Peter knelt next to me. "Your friends Gregg and Tamara came with poor Henry. We just had to step in before something happens."

I felt my blood boil at the mention of those traitors. "Where are they?"

Peter smirked. "Don't worry, love, I took care of them."


A/N: Why am I having such a hard time updating this story? It's been over a year, I'm so sorry. But I'm finally ready to start Season 3 for this story.

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