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The sun already hid behind thr tall buildings as the cars passing the road decreased, the only people visible were busy inside the cafe and less than five across the street. The young omega gulped the saliva forming in her throat as she stood still in Wonwoo's grasp, his breath continuing to tickle her senses.

She heard the dark-haired male take a sharp sniff, intaking the fairly familiar scent. Kahane, who couldn't take any more, held Wonwoo's shoulders and made him face her, even if she was beet-red blushing.

"Hey, what's going on with you?" She said, still red and embarrassed.

Like the boy was splashed with cold water, he blinked in realization.

He looked away and his hand flew to his neck, "S-Sorry."

"I-It's fine, let's go?" Kahane smiled, brushing off Wonwoo's sudden actions and urged the guy to walk with her home.

Shaking his head, he set aside those feelings and slung an arm over her. Not forgetting to bring her close to him as they walked normally on the street, chattering about how the girl was so happy to get a job.

'No, Mingyu wouldn't purposely rub his scent on Kahane... would he?' Wonwoo thought uneasily.


Kahane was a person who'd get excited over trivial things, slightly indecisive too. Because of that excitement, she quickly dashed home with a newly bought empty canvas and new paint. Mrs. Ito was both shocked and happy to see her daughter smile again since that incident, though she didn't know why she was so happy, she just let her be.

Kahane decided that once she earned enough, she'll surprise her mom that she's staying with her. After that, find a decent job here at their small city and earn a little more by selling art.

'Sounds like plan.' Kahane thought with a grin on her face.

Quickly changing into an oversized shirt and sweatpants, she chucked her schoolbag on the floor and jumped to her seat and began ripping the plastic covering the canvas. As she caressed the blank cloth, thousands of ideas rushed through her mind like series of shooting stars. She didn't know where to start, the feeling made her squeal in delight.

After opening the rest, she sat on her chair and looked at the glass door that seperated her room and their small balcony. It was her first paid painting, so it should be special and meaningful. Staring at the misty night, she looked for the perfect picture.

As she looked at the curtains dancing along with the wind, a certain memory of countless nights of herself and her childhood friend spending hours just talking on her balcony.

Especially at night, where she knew the both of them shared the same feeling of being free and comfortable with each other.

The thought made her smile, then the scenario earlier at Mingyu's cafe rushed through her thoughts and made her hands fly to her face in embarrassment.

'He looked like he was going to kiss me.'

It took her thirty minutes to raise her brows and light the imaginary bulb in her head, that mere thought of Jeon Wonwoo made her think of the perfect painting.

She grabbed her pencil and began to create an art that showed her what she felt, something that confesses what her emotions are yet still hidden.


Wonwoo paced uneasily in his room, from arriving home and went straight to bed. Hours passed and after walking back and forth in hus room, he was now sprawled over his bed as he was aimlessly staring at his light-gray ceiling, overthinking the whole situation. Although still in his school uniform, the numerous questions that formed his mind distracted him from his uncomfortable clothes.

'I'm pretty sure she smelled like Mingyu.'

'Is he purposely trying to scent-mark her?'

'But why?'

Wonwoo thought of countless possibilities, each one made him more anxious. Until finally, he couldn't take it anymore and sat up from his bed. He ran his habd through his already messy hair and took off the glasses from his face, closing his eyes for a few seconds in attempt to block out his thoughts.

'Maybe I should go check on her.'

Quickly kicking off his school uniform and grabbed a hoodie to drape over his body and some soft pajamas, he slid the glass door and arrived at his balcony. Looking at his left was Kahane's balcony, which was only less than a meter apart from his. Their apartment complex was on the third floor of the tall building, but that didn't stop him from jumping across the small gap for years.

Climbing up the rails carefully and leaping forward like a silent cat, he successfully landed in the middle of his neighbor's balcony, which, surprisingly, was open.

Walking inside, he found his dark-haired friend asleep. Crouching down her messy study table with disshelved hair and paint-covered fingers, not to mention the canvas that laid next to her, now with color.

Knowing his best friend, he respected the fact that she didn't want her unfinished art to be seen, so he fought the urge to fully take a look. Instead, he carefully lifted the snoring omega to his arms and she wasn't even a tiny bit bothered.

Setting the girl down her bed, Kahane groaned and twisted to her left, facing Wonwoo with scrunched eyebrows, the alpha chuckled because of how silly she looked.

Carefullu draping the blanket over her body, he tucked her in. After that, he sat on the ground, plainly staring at her sleeping figure.

At a reachable distance, Wonwoo could still smell Kahane's sweet scent. He always wondered how it was possible for an alpha to have such a smell, but not once did he question it because he liked how she smelled.

He wasn't good with words, but if he could describe her scent, it would be the smell of caramel at dusk. He chuckled at the cheesy description, but he couldn't find any other fitting words.

He was glad that her scent was back, he admitted to himself that he was consciously rubbing his smell on her earlier, and he didn't regret it. His sense of possessiveness over his friend was questionable to everyone, to him it was normal.

'Soonyoung could've done it if he was an alpha.' He convinced himself.

Unbeknownst of the alpha, the covers of her blanket slid off slightly when she moved, revealing her bare neck.

He suddenly had the urge to pierce his fangs onto her fair skin, just looking at how clean it was made him want to mark it.

Wonwoo immediately shook off the thought, guilty of the thought that he wanted to mark his best friend, who he knew was an alpha. It was really awkward.

Feeling as if he accomplished his task of checking on her, he sat up and was ready to go back to his own room and sleep. When he did , his wandering eyes took a glimpse of her painting. He immediately evaded the sight and carefully closed her glass door, jumping back to his room.

Ploppong back to his bed, he ruffled his wavy hair and grinned. Taking off his glasses afterwards, he then laid on the soft cushions as he remembered the smile on his lips before he drifted to wonderland.

He swore that he saw a cat in her painting, and he knew Kahane hated cats.

And he loved them.

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