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The day would have gone smoothly if it wasn't for the terrible weather, the rain calmed down during lunch time but poured down again just after classes ended.

The fact that I was alone because Wonwoo and Soonyoung rushed back to the classroom because that blonde left his phone under his desk, I was stuck here waiting for them.

Not only was I stranded inside the school campus because I didn't have an umbrella, I was also frustrated of the fact that Soonyoung didn't return my favorite pen.

I know it's childish, but it made my shitty penmanship nice, okay? I could right five essays with that pen.

In the midst of all the noise the falling droplets made, I tapped my foot impatiently on the cemented ground as I kept turning my phone on and off every five minutes to check the time.


In my peripheral vision was the familiar silver-haired guy in the cafeteria, I sucked up some breaths before turning to face him.

"Hey," I replied, pushing my phone inside the pockets of my vest and stared at him with my hands resting on my skirt's pockets.

He cut off my stare by positioning himself beside me, mirroring my figure and also rested his hands inside his pant's pockets and looked at the drippling rain. I then everted my gaze from him and to the falling droplets. In silence, we stood there admiring the rain.

"I don't usually apologize, but I admit that we got off on the wrong foot earlier." He spoke after a few seconds.

"Your point?" I replied, not facing him.

"I didn't know you were an alpha,"

"If I was a beta, would you come to me now?"

The question made him quiet, just as I thought.

"I guess,"

His reply caught me off guard and made me squint my eyes in confusion, I looked at Minghao, only to have him blankly stare at the rain, as if he was completely confident of his unsure answer.


"It was fulfilling to see someone stand up for others."

"So you tested me earlier?"

"No, I just really wanted a seat pronto because my foot hurt."

"You could've said that in the first place,"

He faced me again, still with a blank face. He removed his hand from his pockets and reached out to me, offering to shake hands.

"Xu Minghao, class 3-2."

I was reluctant to shake his hands, but I did anyway to be friendly, "I know, Ito Kahane, class 3-1." After our hands were connected, he shook them slightly and we both withdrawed. Unexpectedly, he began to walk away just like that after the small talk.

"Nice meeting you, Kahane."

I stood there, fazed by the confusions the Chinese dude from the other class brought. Although it did seem quite unusual, I shouldn't overthink the situation.

"Kahane! Sorry for making you wait." Soonyoung arrived next to me breathless, his phone on his right hand.

Wonwoo stopped beside me to rest his arm on my shoulder, "What's Minghao doing with you?"

Wow, I'm totally not going badump badump right now Jeon.

"I think he apologized,"

"What?" Both boys asked with a surprised tone, a shookt expression on both their faces.

"Well nevermind that, let's go home." I shook my head

"We don't have an umbrella," Soonyoung pointed out, staring at the school gate with a pout.

"We could get home by making a run for it," Wonwoo suggested.

"Hell no, I'm not getting mud on my shoes and socks." I held my hands up in a disapproving manner

The three of us fell quiet, I was still disagreeing with Wonwoo's idea. The Jeon looked at his grinning best friend, who obviously had a very messed up idea in his head. Wonwoo, who also happens to be a crackhead, smiles at Soonyoung and they both turn their heads to me.

"No..." I trailed and slowly backed away.

"No, we're not planning anything." Wonwoo just shrugged with an innocent smile, taking off his jacket.

I stopped backing away from them and had on a look of suspicion, after Wonwoo finally had his jacket on his hands, he grabbed his extra P.E shirt from his bag. Soonyoung walked to me and grabbed my bag afterwards.

"We're walking to the bus station, I'll hold your bag." Soonyoung smiled while softly yanking mh bag from my hands.

"O...kay..." I said.

Then when I felt like there was no sign of any idiocracy happening, Wonwoo rushed to spread his ginormous jacket and ran to me in full speed. In one swift motion, he swept me off my feet, one arm under my knee and one behind my back, carrying me bridal style. He cleverly used his jacket to cover my legs underneath that was supposed to be exposed due to the position I was in, he then swiftly draped his P.E. shirt over my head. When I was securely in his arms, I clung onto his uniform for my life's sake.

"P-Put me down Jeon Wonwoo!" I screamed.

"Go!" Wonwoo yelled at Soonyoung and they began racing out of the school, beneath the rain.

As they sped up, I could feel the harsh droplets of the rain onto my skin as I clung onto Wonwoo and the shirt on my head.

"You fucking idiots! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" I yelled at them both.

"Quit talking! Wonwoo's gonna have a hard time because you're heavy!" Soonyoung laughed while using his bag to cover his head as they ran on the streets.

"I'll make your sprain return if you don't shut up!" I yelled.

"Nah, you're light as paper." Wonwoo chuckled as the small splashes he made resounded in my ears along with the rain.

"Are you saying I'm flat?!" I exclaimed and shot him a glare despite of the rain.

"Ain't nothing flat about you," Even when running under the heavy droplets and a soaked face, he managed to wink at me.

I small chill went up my spine as I immediately looked down to avoid his gaze. I let go of his uniform and held onto him properly, the pounding in my heart increased.


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