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Two weeks had passed since the incident. Taehyung was feeling much better now. At first, he thought what he went through would give him a trauma, his members, his manager and fiancee also shared the same thoughts. But, fortunately, none of that happened. Nonetheless, he was happy and at ease. He felt like a huge burden had been lifted over his heart. 

He had told his members and Shia about what aspired that day. Shia had acquired the help of a fellow therapist, to make sure his well being. Things were going smooth, they both went on their second date as well, and also went to 2 days Jeju island trip with all the members. 

Earlier, Taehyung had requested his company and members to hide this from his parents, so his parents had no idea what had happened to their son. He did not feel the need to tell them as the things were better now. 


They were having a movie marathon, so everyone was present in the living room. There were beer cans and fried chicken on the small table. They were laughing their hearts out because of Hobi and maknae's commentary. Seokjin also joined them from time to time. (Shiara had gone back home for a while) 

"Hey Tae," called Yoongi gaining the attention of the younger. "How did Shia know what had happened?" he asked the younger.

"I wanted to know that too, you know," joined the eldest. "Hyung did you noticed it just now?" he mused. The eldest gave a sharpening look demanding an answer.

"Chill Hyung," he said raising his arms in a surrender position, "His Majesty, I mean Shiara's father requested the agency to put a tracker in my engagement ring saying, "My son-in-law has a knack of getting himself in trouble," he told them, "although it is not like I get into trouble, it is just that trouble finds me," 

"Does that even make sense Hyung?" added the youngest playfully. "Well, for me it does," replied the other in an equally playful tone. "Thank God, someone was thoughtful enough," Namjoon said, "That's how Shia knew, the tracker was connected with her mobile I guess," he said to no one particular.

"Umm, yeah, there is this small button in it, pressing it would send the SOS signal to her mobile and also the location," Taehyung explained showing them his ring. "Wow, amazing technology," Suga added.

"Like K-dramas," the fellow 95 liner chimed in. "Amazing indeed, if it weren't for it, I don't know what would have happened," Taehyung said shuddering at the thought. Everyone froze momentarily at the ramification of the thought. 

"It's okay Hyung, you are safe now," the maknae said hugging his elder brother. Taehyung looked at his brother, smiled and hugged back. "Yeah, I know, I just, when I think about it, I think I would not have been alive," he said eyes lost in thought, "I would never have let him have his ways with me, his mere presence disgusted me, I would have killed myself before anything," he was saying or more like ranting.

The members were stunned hearing this, he had never really told them what he felt that day. He had told them about the dresses, the photographs, but what he was saying now was something they did not have an idea about. Jungkook's hold tightened around his Hyung. "Taehyung," uttered the eldest scooting close to his dongsaengs and side hugging both boys. 

Taehyung buried himself in his only dongsaeng's embrace and hid his face in his chest. He told them about the handcuffs and the talk with dresses, and the disgusted touches of the man, something he had not shared with them. He told them he didn't want Shiara to know that was why he never recalled this. Though he had talked about this with the counsellor, who was a professional, and despite being Shiara's friend didn't share anything with her. 

By the time he finished telling them everything, he was full-on trembling and sobbing. "Thank God, Thank God, I am so grateful for the king's farsight. Thank's heaven," chanted Hoseok. The boys joined the other three members in a group hug, they assured their distressed member that he was fine now. And no one will harm him again. 

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