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The atmosphere in the office was getting suffocating by each passing second. The boys were feeling all sort of things, there was anxiety, fear, uncertainty which was slowly engulfing the boys. 

The six boys were present in their boss's office. Their manager had just broken the news about the culprit to them. Why? how? what now? what if? these questions were roaming in the boys' minds. They all knew the repercussion of the situation. The culprit was on loose, which meant that their beloved seventh member's life was once again in danger.

It was as clear as water that the attacker was obsessed with their seventh member. They all had seen the pictures and videos the man had of their friend minus the said friend. It was sickening to think about it.  

"What is going to happen now, PD-nim? the youngest of them all asked. The CEO looked at their maknae searching for the word that would put his beloved artists at ease. These boys were very dear to him, they are the reason he was able to fulfil his dream of bringing a change to the rigid music industry of his country. Together they have been beating the stereotype and the prejudice. Once again after the incident of France, he was feeling helpless.

"The ministry had assured us that they are going to find the attacker and he will be punished according to the law," their manager informed them. The CEO had approached the ministry as they had planned earlier with officer Jo. They had provided relevant information. The said diplomat had resigned from his job, and according to the ministry he was being questioned of his son's whereabouts. It was chaos.

"I don't understand, why this is happening? everything was fine, he got caught then what happened?" Jin said frustratingly, as the CEO was about to answer something to soothe the boy, the door of his office opened revealing to the couple to whom are concerned. Shiara and Taehyung had entered the room together. (How are they together though, wasn't Tae in a vocal practice session for their new song.)

"Pd-nim do you know?.." Shiara started upon entering but stopped mid-way after seeing the faces of the men present in the office.

"You all know, right?" she concluded. The said men nodded in confirmation. She turned towards her fiance who was looking slightly offended at his hyungs and dongsaeng. The others were confused at the boy's gesture as well.

"What?" he snapped, "Did you think I wouldn't know? And were you all trying to hide all this from me, what is this some sort of K-drama where you are going to hide things from me to protect me kind of nonsense." The boy was mad.

"No, Tae, it is not like that," the eldest member tried to reconcile but was interrupted by the other. "Leave it Hyung, I know you guys well enough," the younger said dismissively.

"For your information, I have known about it prior than you guys, in case if you have forgotten I was the one who got attacked, so France's police authorities called me the second he was released." the boy informed, as a matter of factly, that resulted in the collective gasps from the others.

"You knew?" the manager said, "then why didn't you tell us?" he reprimanded. The boy looked at his manager and sighed while sitting on a vacant chair. "I did actually," he announced. I was with Daewon hyungnim at that time when I got the call. So, I told him everything.

"Oh," exclaimed the manager in understanding. It was Kim Daewon the person-in-charge of the boys' security, who has informed him about the situation. He told everyone as he recounted the phone call he got from their security in-charge.

"Alright then, it is good that you know; so you should be more responsible as not to wander around the city without security," chastised the CEO. The said boy rolled his eyes in annoyance but he agreed to see the pointing eyes of his fiancee. The girl was glaring daggers at his antics. She knew how unpredictable her man can be.

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