What's The Verdict?

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She makes me see everything in colour. Which is so fucking cliche. I didn't know what that meant before her.

What if I'm too late? What if I've messed up too many times? If she doesn't want me then I'll understand. I'll let her go.

But not until I've tried. Not until I've apologised and told her how much she means to me. I'll kneel at her feet if I have to.

Sofia's PoV

Patrick saying those words shouldn't completely knock me out of my own sanity. It shouldn't be an easy way to fix everything. I should know better than to immediately want to forget the past.

Yet I'm only human. I love him. So naturally hearing him say it back is going to mess me up. Not to mention he was extremely apposed to love not so long ago. The thought that I've changed that has me feeling all sorts of different ways.

There's also part of me that thinks I shouldn't have needed to hear those words so much. I should have only needed to feel it. Which I did. Every day I was with him. I still feel it now.

So what's my verdict? What should I be thinking and feeling? There's no hand book for this kind of thing but my god do I was there were.

An instruction manual for the heart.

Maybe I needed to hear it because I'm insecure. Maybe I've always thought he was too good for me. No, that doesn't make sense. He's never acted better than me. Never tried to be superior.

It's probably something psychological. Or something to do with society making everyone believe they need to hear those three words to feel complete.

Regardless, I can't think about it any longer right now. Because it's Nadia's turn to try and defend herself.

As soon as she begins to make her way to the stand, I know she's about to put on the best show ever. Even the way she's replaced her confident walk with a more demure one suggests she's trying to make the jury think she's someone she's not.

She's the biggest snake in the grass I've ever met. Even the way she gently rests her hands in front of her makes me angry. She should win an Oscar.

"Miss Zoya, please repeat the oath" the judge asks and I twitch in my seat as she begins speak.

"I promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth" she speaks softly as if she's shy and I can feel myself glaring. I wish my glare could burn her!

This is probably going to be the hardest part for me to get through. The lies that she's about to tell probably feel like liquid on her tongue before she speaks. Black poisonous liquid.

When the prosecuting attorney steps up to her with his hands in his pockets and relaxed stance, it gives the feeling that he's confident in what he's about to do. Please be confident. Make her slip up!

"Miss Zoya, can you tell us your account of everything that happened please?" The attorney asks politely. I have a feeling he's pretending to be nice to lull her into a false sense of security. Good!

Nadia's sweet expression changes but probably not enough for many people to notice. I do though. Her lips twitch slightly as if she's been dying to speak her lies this whole time.

When I say that it takes about zero point two seconds for her to make me livid, I'm not being dramatic. She literally opens her mouth and I feel rage consume me.

"Sofia seemed threatened by me from the very beginning" she starts. Threatened? Not a chance. "I think she must have noticed how Patrick acted with me. The first time we met he asked me for sex, not the other way around like he said. When I denied he threw me out of his office with far too much force than necessary" she sighs as if remembering the situation.

Sugar. Why not?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ