Chapter Five: Crossroads

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There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads, afraid, confused, without a roadmap. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back.
- Lucas Scott


"Are you sure it's ok, dude?"

"Yeah, no problems Carapace. Just don't get too involved that you miss an akuma or something?"

"Sure ... yeah ... def, thanks man. Well say Hi to LB for me."

"I sure will." Adrien turned off his phone and sat on the couch waiting for Marinette. Nino had called about thirty minutes ago via Adrien's secondary phone. It made it easier for them to communicate as their alter-egos outside of their costumes.

Today they would be visiting the London office for the first time. Adrien's cousin, Felix, will be acting Director for the next couple of weeks under the wings of Gabriel before coming to work alongside Adrien in Paris. Gabriel and Emilie will then be moving to London to be closer to Emilie's sister. It had been a few years since Adrien had spent any proper time with Félix and the two hadn't always seen eye to eye.

Last year, during Paris Fashion week, Félix had been introduced to Kagami. As far as Adrien knew they were still very much an item, which may be one of the deciding factors for Félix's move to Paris. Adrien bent down and slipped on his shoes ready for work. As much as he hated it, he was having to attended in full suit today, including his tie, though he also knew Marinette was very appreciative of his clean cut office look. He tied his laces as the bedroom door opened.

"You ready Mari?" Adrien looked up and his breath caught in his throat. It wasn't very often he got to see her in formal work clothing. Usually she would just come into the office dressed smart but still with a casual edge. With her only being needed in the design room, there was no need for her to dress in formal workwear.

She was wearing a blush pink chiffon blouse, with a scarf tie around the collar, a tight black pencil skirt with a slight slit, black heeled shoes with a delicate strap around the ankle and her hair in a tight ponytail on the back of her head. Her fringe was styled perfectly with slight volume and she finished her look with her black rimmed glasses. Absolute perfection he thought to himself. She was on the phone as she approached Adrien.

"Yes mama, I promise. Yes, Adrien is fine ... Yes I'll send you a picture of my ring ... no, tell Papa we don't need a cake or a party." Marinette rolled her eyes as she stood next to Adrien with her phone still pressed to her ear. "Put Papa on the phone now," she said sternly, tapping her foot on the ground, "Papa, you need to stop ok! No, if you continue Adrien won't ever want to be part of the family ... why? Because you're getting obsessed with him ..." Marinette's face went bright red and her eyes opened wide as her papa indicated the number of Adrien pictures she'd owned before meeting him.

She turned away from Adrien and whispered down the phone "No, he doesn't know about the pictures. Papa I'm going, I'll speak to you tomorrow. You tell Adrien and I will disown you. Love you, bye."

Marinette turned around with a sweet smile plastered on her strawberry red face.

"You ready?" She asked Adrien. He pulled a Chat like grin and stood in front of her.

"You hiding something bugaboo?" He placed one hand under her chin.

"Of course not." She smacked his hand away from her chin, quickly he wrapped both arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "Did someone used to have pictures of me?"

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