Chapter 8 Am I Worth It?

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I shiver at the sudden drop of temperature. In the total darkness, I can feel my body aching from the tight zip ties securing my hands, legs, and torso. I tried to break the zip tie but due to my sitting position there's not much I can do with my current tied condition. I am seated on a hard rough woody chair, my legs are secured tightly crossed to the chair legs, my hands are behind me painfully pulled to a torturing angle with a very tight zip cables around my wrist, next I cannot move my torso freely, I think they put some ropes around me. My throat is burning in its dehydrated state, I can feel my mouth full of a stuffing and a duct tape must have been pressed over my lips. I feel the cloth covering my eyes soaked in my tears. As much as I try my best to keep my tears in, they found their way out when there's a loud surprising voice or just someone entering my room. I wince from the burning feeling in my chest from the rising acidic mixture in my stomach. I am thirsty, hungry, tired, stressed, and afraid.

I have lost track of time and location. When they open my eyes earlier to show me how powerful they are if I dare to rebel or not follow their words. They let me see the lights not long ago, and I swear I'd rather have my eyes closed. In front of my eyes were big and tall men in black with masks over their faces, each holding something heavy to hit me. My eyes scanned the room quickly, within my sight there's only one exit, no windows, and of course no hints of where am I kept. I put in mind to try my best and have myself not punished, they have canes, wooden boards, a whip, and I'm sure I wouldn't want to have my face slapped with their hands full of rings.

They open my blindfold just to let me know what's coming if things go worse, and then they blind me back to total darkness and fear. I encourage myself that someone will save me, but I get tired and I slowly feel sleepy. Before I can fall asleep, a loud bang echoes through the room. I tense when I hear the voice of clicking heels going closer and closer to me.

I gulp when I feel a presence of someone in front of me, that person's long nails find their way to trace my sweating jaw. Yes I am having a cold sweat and I am losing my senses.

"Look who's here with me," the sound of a lady enters my sensitive ears, I jolt from her sudden action, "Look who's trembling in fear right now." She lets out a creepy laugh and I tilt my head down.

I've never heard of this voice, it's definitely new. The wicked lady suddenly grabs my face and forces pull me to "look" at her. She mocks me for being so vulnerable and helpless, my eyes are still closed.

I shake my head trying to break free from her painful grip and she laugh even harder.

"Lee (y/n), you sure are confused why you're here, and I know why you're here." Se Ri encircles the poor seated girl arrogantly.

My heart is dying to know why this whole thing happens, and why am I still not rescued? I mean it's been quite long and I am starting to lose my mind from the eerie silence and the creeping darkness.

"I know why you're here. Listen little brat," Se Ri stops beside my right ear and leans in closer, "Your father..." she pauses to see the little girl's reaction. Se Ri successfully win (y/n)'s attention, she continues, "Your father doesn't want you anymore."

She pauses for a good dramatic effect, and (y/n) is still processing her words.

"Listen, I am telling the truth, your father sold you over the company's asset; my company's asset which will ensure him a lifetime guarantee of money and shelter. He made an agreement before with me, and you... you're probably not even in his mind when he made the deal." Se Ri smirks without me knowing.

I tense as I listen to her words, she must be lying. Father is not someone like that. I shake my head and mumble some words.

"I can't hear you," Se Ri slaps my face and I feel a burning sensation on my left cheek. She sure has a hard hand and a powerful blow. My tear fell, "Keep on crying... no one is here to help." Se Ri flies her fist this time to my cheek.

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