Drugged (Jughead x Reader)

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Caution: Mentions of Rape and Slut Shaming

Backstory:You and Jughead got together after he found out about Betty cheating

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You and Jughead got together after he found out about Betty cheating. He wasn't expecting to get with someone new anytime soon. But he met you at school and fell in love with you. But the one thing he told you was if you ever cheated on him that would be it. You would be over. No matter what.

"How could you!" He yelled with such rage you were a bit scared of him. "Jughe-" You start trying to explain yourself. "No Y/n you cheated on me. And the worst part is you hid it from me for weeks!" He said with anger but you could see how hurt he actually was behind his words. And you couldn't blame him for being mad or hurt, you did the one thing he told you never to do. You slept with another man. But that wasn't the whole story and you were trying desperately to tell him that. "Juggie please let me explain" you cried. Jughead rolled his eyes, "You are nothing but a slut and a bitch. And I hope I never see you again." He said with so much anger towards you and then walked out of the place you two once called home together. He left your one bedroom apartment and you didn't think he was coming back. You slid down the wall crying. You really were a slut.

You are crying out on the wall when you whispered the one thing you couldn't get out while talking to Jughead. "I was drugged" you cried.

You had always felt like it was your fault. I mean your mom had always told you to never let someone else get you a drink. But it was one of Jughead's best friends. And you trusted him to not do anything. You shouldn't of trusted anyone. And you definitely shouldn't of trusted him. After it happened he just left you in the bed to cry. You cried for hours without ever getting up. The next day you planned to tell Jughead. It was his best friend after all, he deserved to know. But then you got scared, what if he believed him over you? I mean he had known him longer and you could just be lying. You decided not to tell him but the longer you went the more it hurt you. You cried every since time you were alone because you couldn't let Jughead see.

But after a while you knew you needed to tell him. But then he got a call from Betty and he ranted to you about how hurt he still was that she cheated and that his best friend cheated with his girlfriend. And then you had two new reasons not to tell him. One, you had technically cheated and two his best friend had got with one of Jughead's girlfriend for the second time. So you decided to just never tell him. You could deal with the pain alone. But someone had pictures of you two together. And from the view you could see your body but not your face. So you couldn't tell that you were drugged. And you could only see the back of Archie. And he had a hat on in the picture so no one could see his red hair. And you knew you had to tell him before he found out from someone else because you knew Jughead would recognize your body if he saw the picture but he found the picture before you could say anything.

It's now been a few weeks and Jughead still wouldn't talk to you. And you get why. But you just want to explain. You know it's selfish. To take away his heartbreak of you cheating just to replace it with the worst pain of his best friend raping his girlfriend. You knew it was selfish and you didn't care. You missed him. You really missed him. And without him to hide some of the pain, you were completely devastated. You just stayed in bed and cried all the time. Reliving the few memories you had from the incident. And then when you could finally get that out of your head, you kept remembering how Jughead called you a slut. "Slut. Slut. Slut. Slut. Slut." You kept hearing him say. The person who promised no matter how mad he would never call you names, called you one of the worst ones. And that is what hurt the most.

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Wow that was a lot, 707 words. Part two and three are updated.

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