Chapter 1

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Clove's POV
My name is Clove Kentwell, I am 15 years old, I live in District 2, we are a career district and that means that we train to go into the annual Hunger Games, a death arena where 24 kids from the ages of 12 to 18 have to fight to the death, till only one person stands, the careers train from the time they can walk, to when they are 18, and then they volunteer. We aren't supposed to be able to train, but the Capital allows it in Districts 1,2 and 4, because we supply them with useful things. The careers usually will win, but sometimes we don't if we aren't lucky. Right now I am on my way to the training center, it takes me about 5 minutes to get there, but I don't mind I like the scenery I see.

When I get there my trainer Enobaria, winner of the 62nd Games, says, "Clove good your here, before we start I wanted to introduce you you your knew training partner,"

"Training partner?," I ask

"I know it might be weird but your 15 now and so it's time to get more serious about it and with a partner you will get a feel of what it'll be like," she tells me.

"Ok, who is it," I ask her, I am so confused as to why I need a partner.

"Cato over here," she yells, and a tall muscular boy, with blond hair, and blue eyes walks up to us.

"Hey I am Cato, and I guess I will be your training partner," he tells me extending his hand.

"I am Clove, and I guess you will, what are you good at," I ask, and shake his hand.

"I am good with swords, spears, and hand to hand combat, but mainly swords, what about you?" He asks me.

"I am good with knives," I tell him, and Enobaria walks off, I guess letting us get to know each other a little bit better.

"Ok great, do you mind showing me how good you are, and I will show how good I am with a sword," he asks.

"Yea I'll show you," I tell him and we walk to the knives station, and I pick up 5 knives, and start throwing hitting dead center every time. When I finish I turn back around to face Cato and see a look of shock on his face.

"How was that," I ask him.

"That was amazing, when did you learn to throw like that," he asks me.

"When I was around 5 or 6, that's when I started anyways, now how about you show me your sword work," I tell him.

"Ok yea, I will warn you that I am deadly," he tells me.

"Ok then show me," I say, laughing.

When we walk over to the swords, Cato picks up a very deadly looking sword, and walks up to dummy and starts chopping off the limbs of it.

He looks at me and says, "How was that, was it impressive enough for you."

"Heck yea that was impressive," I tell him.

After a few more hours of training it's time to go home, when I am about to leave, Cato stops me.

"Hey Clove I had a lot of fun today, and was wondering if you wanted to walk home together," he asks me.

"Yea sure, just let me finish getting my stuff," I tell him, and he smiles and I smile back. When I finish getting my stuff Enobaria comes up to us.

"So kids how was training, it looked like y'all had fun," she asks.

"It was great, I really liked having someone else to train with, and not just be by myself," I tell her.

"I really enjoyed it, thanks for letting me work with you, Clove," Cato says.

"No problem," I tell him.

"I will see y'all tomorrow," Enobaria tells us.

"Goodnight Enobaria," me and Cato say.

"Goodnight Kids," she says, and walks out, then me and Cato leave.

"So Clove, I know we just met today and everything, but I was wondering if we could be friends," Cato asks me.

"Of course we can, and we will be training partners for awhile, so why not, well anyways this is my stop, see ya tomorrow Cato," I tell him.

"Yea see you tomorrow Clove," he tells me, and I walk into my house, and see my mom and dad sitting in the living room.

"Hey mom, hey dad," I tell them letting them know I am home.

"Hey Clove, who was that boy," my dad asks.

"My training partner from the training center, his name is Cato," I tell them.

"You never told us you had a partner," my mom says.

"That's because I just met him today, Enobaria thought it would be good for me to work with someone other then her, so I can get a feel of how it'll be in the arena," I tell them.

"Ok, well dinner is almost ready, so get cleaned up," my mom says.

"Ok," I tell her and head to my bathroom to take a shower. When I am done, I put my pajamas on and head back into the kitchen for dinner.
We are having my favorite chicken and rice.

"This is really good, mom," I say.

"Thanks Clove," she says.

"So Clove do you know what games you are going to go into," my dad asks.

"No not yet, but Enobaria said that if I continue working as hard as I am right now that I could possibly go in soon," I tell him.

"Ok, that's good, I am really proud of you for working as hard as you have been," my dad says.

"Thanks dad, I am full can I go to bed now," I ask.

"Yes," my mom tells me.

When I leave the table, I go into my room, and go to sleep thinking about Cato.

I hope this is good so far, this is only my second story, so please don't hate or anything, and I wasn't sure if I got Enobaria's games right, so please let me know if I didn't do the right one. Anyways thanks for reading. BYE!!

Clove and Cato's love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora