Stop staring at him Cara, he hurt your feelings and he is strictly off limits as your best friends brother.

'Yeah cause you cared about that yesterday'. I thought to myself.

I walked over to one of the cupboards and got a wine glass out, opening the bottle of wine I poured myself a very very large glass.  Harry's eyes have been on my every move as I reach for my phone and order a large cheese pizza.

"You really think I don't care?"  His voice spoke up, breaking the tense silence that has filled the house since we came through the door.  I looked to him with raised eyebrows.

"Have you gave me any indication to believe anything else?"  I asked him, my voice not half as cold as it was before.  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Do you remember last night when I told Seth it wasn't the first time we had gotten into a fight?" He asked quietly as I took another sip of my wine.  I hummed in response, waiting for him to go on.

"I know what he used to say about you and do to you in school.  I don't know how many times I beat him to a pulp for it but he just kept doing it.  I have been standing up for you a lot longer than you think.  I didn't want to let on to Katherine anything about last night so I pretended it was just another hook up I didn't care about but that's not true.  I don't tend to do this after a one night stand I don't care about."  He explained.

I stood there looking at him, completely dumbfounded. He would stand up for me when Seth was, well, being Seth?

"And just for the record you are most definitely not bad in bed" he said quietly as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. I let out a breathy laugh and shook my head.

"You got into those fights with him because of me?" I asked quietly. He looked up at me and shook his head making me such and mumble an 'oh'.

"I got into those fights for you."

My heart stopped and I looked up at him, the man that made me feel like nothing this morning just made it better by making me feel like I'm worth a million bucks. I put my glass down and stepped closer to him.

'Don't do this Cara, it can't happen again. It shouldn't have happened in the first place.'

My subconscious nagged at me but I quickly pushed her away and wrapped my arms around Harry, resting my head on his chest.

"Thank you" I said quietly as his arms cane up and wrapped around me. A smile breaking out on my face as he did so.

"You don't need to thank me, it's the only way I could show you I cared, I still care." He said before he pressed a soft kiss to the top of me head.  I found myself melting even more into his arms, it was so strange how this felt so right.

'But it isn't right, why can't you get it through your head this is Harry, your best friends brother'

My subconscious said but once again I just pushed her away.  I don't need that negativity right now.  I know this is wrong and I know it shouldn't be happening but what if it does?

We have a summer fling, go out separate ways at the end of the summer and everything will be fine.  I can tell Katherine years from now and we will laugh about it.  Nobody needs to get hurt.

The door went, interrupting us and I silently cursed myself for ordering pizza and the delivery boy for bringing my pizza as I pulled back from the hug reluctantly. I grabbed some money out of my wallet and went to the door, thanking the boy, that was no older than 18, giving him a tip and bringing the pizza in.

I sat it on the coffee table and went back to the kitchen grabbing another wine glass and pouring Harry a glass, holding it up to him.

"Pizza and wine?" I said with a smile, receiving a bright smile and nod back as he took the glass from my hands. I grabbed my own glass and walked through to the living room, slumping into the sofa as I turned the tv on. Harry sat next to me, our legs touching, sending a shiver through my full body.

"Anything you want to watch?" I asked as I scrolled through Netflix, he hummed for a minute before snapping his head to me.

"There's a new documentary on I've been waiting for, we could watch that if you don't find something you'd like" he said excitedly making my eyes go wide as I put the documentary on and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"You want to see it to?" He asked.

"Yeah I've been waiting weeks for it since they tweeted it was going to be put on" I explained with a smile as I pressed play and reached over, dumping the remote and opening the pizza, grabbing a slice.

"Sorry, it's just cheese, couldn't decide on anything else" I mumbled before taking a very large bite out of the slice. He chuckled and shook his head, grabbing his own slice and doing the same.

"I'm so glad you aren't one of those girls that either don't eat in front of you or only eat salad." He said as he finished chewing. I laughed and shook my head.

"First of all salad and me have a non existent relationship. Secondly, if anyone comes between me and pizza then it's their life on the line." I said before taking another bite.

"Totally agree" he said before continuing to eat. We both got very engrossed in the documentary playing in front of us, we both reached forward for a slice to see it was the last one. I sat back and motioned for him to have it making him smile.

He grabbed it and took a bite before holding it to my mouth with a smile, I couldn't help but grin and reached forward taking a bite of the slice in front of me.

We both shared the last slice of pizza between us, grabbing our glasses once we finished and each taking a large gulp. I sat mine down first and slumped back onto the couch, Harry fell back also, his arm going over my shoulders. I couldn't help but nuzzle into his warmth, I don't remember the last time I felt so relaxed and comfortable with someone other than Kat but even then, I'm constantly on edge around her.

You never know what she has planned.

I couldn't stop the yawn that had been begging to escape for hours. Harry's head turned to me with a soft and gentle smile on his face.

"Are you tired?" He asked softly, I only nodded and cuddled in closer to him. Being so content my eyes closed without my permission.

"Sleep baby. I'll be here when you wake up." I heard him say, just barely.

"You better be" I muttered as I felt myself drifting off.

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