Fresh Baked Pastries (2)

Start from the beginning

"Oh no, that doesn't sound good." Y/n chuckles, turning to Danielle, and taking her hands. "It must not be good."

"It depends on how you take it. Listen, I know we're both young. And after everything that happens, we're gonna go back to our regular jobs. And I don't mind that. I mean, I'll have to come back frequently, which I can deal with-"

"Babe, you're rambling.." Y/n chuckles and nods.

"I am. We're too young for kids, I know that. But, would you like them, someday?"

"Someday, yes."

"Me too." Danielle cups Y/n's cheeks, chuckling.

"Is that what you're worried and rambled on about?"

"Mm, yes and no. Last month, a parade was held for me as the new Queen. And as we were riding through, the local orphanage was there, and my eyes saw this little girl... her eyes are so blue and they drawl you in and her hair's black so they stand out. And, I was just drawn to her. I stop the parade and walked over, saying hi to all the kids, and then stopped in front of her, and she just completely melted my heart. I'm already falling in love with that little girl and whenever I have to leave, my heart breaks and-"

"You're rambling-" Danielle says softly, staring at Y/n.

"I... I adopted her..." Y/n can't look Danielle in the eyes, hoping it's not some type of deal breaker for her.

"What's her name?" Y/n sniffs, wiping away a stray tear.


"Does... does she know about me?"

Y/n nods frantically, "anything and everything."

It's silent for a few minutes, but Danielle nods. "It'll be weird, so if I don't seem like myself, forgive me, it's not your fault and I'm just gonna need a few minutes for myself."

"I know, I also had a room made up for you as well, just in case of everything, and you wanted a night for yourself."

The actress gives a thankful smile, "thank you- holy shit that's huge..." Y/n looks out the window, and chuckles. Shaking her head at her girlfriend.

"Wait until you see the inside."

"Is.. is that her?" Danielle points at the little girl in her grandmother's arms.

"Mhm, that's Alva.".

"She's so precious..."

"I know." The limo pulls up to another red carpet, and someone opens up the door.

"Introducing Her Majesty Y/n Y/l/n and Madam Danielle Rose Russell."

"Momma!" The little girl wiggles out of her grandmother's arms, running up and jumping into her mom's arms.

"My sweet baby girl! I missed you so much! Were you good for your grandmother?" Alva nods quickly, her black hair bouncing all over. "Good girl. I want to introduce someone to you, can you be a good girl?" Alva nods and Y/n turns so her and Danielle facing each other.

"Danielle, this is my daughter Alva, little princess, this is Danielle, a very special person to me." Alva holds out her hand for a handshake.

"Good afterno-" Alva looks at her mommy. "Is it morning or afternoon mommy?" Y/n looks at her watch.

"Afternoon sweetheart."

"Good afternoon Miss Danielle. Thank you for coming with mommy, it's very im-port-ant for mommy that you're here." Y/n hides her face as she smiles at her daughter pronunciation.

Danielle chuckles and shakes the little girl's hand. "And it's a honor to meet you Princess Alva. And, your mommy's important to me too."

"Darling." Y/n looks at her grandmother, and smiles.

"Grandmother, this is Danielle, my fiancée. Sweetheart, this is my grandmother, the Queen of Genovia."

"Your Majesty, it's an honor to meet you." Danielle goes the small bow perfectly, and the Queen gives her a smile.

"Please, you must be tired, why don't the maid take your bags and show you to your room."

"I'll do that grandmother." Y/n kisses her grandmother's cheeks, Alva copying her, before they both lead Danielle to her bedroom.

It takes a while before they actually get to the room, Danielle stopping at everything to ask for the history, which Y/n didn't mind. "This is your room, you can freshen up through there and hang your clothes up there. A guard will be posted outside your door and whenever you wake up, just tell him you wanna see me, and hell bring you to me."

"Miss Danielle?" Alva's voice is soft, and Y/n can tell she's nervous.

"Yes, Princess?"

"Can we play later? It's okay if you don't want too, but I-"

"I would love to play later!" Alva smiles widely, giving a giggle.

"You're really gonna need a nap now." Y/n kisses Danielle's cheeks, Alva doing the same, as they wish her a good nap, before leaving. Danielle closes the door, and like the first time she's seen Y/n and eaten her pastries, she knows she's fuck.

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