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Renesmee was laying on the bed with her hair in her face along with blood in it.  There was blood everywhere.  It ran down her jaw to her neck and it was all over her cloths.  That would explain the human blood I smelled when I first got here.  But the question is, Why is she covered in human blood?  Why was she unconscious?  Where was Bella and Edward?  They should be here what is going on?  So many questions with no answers, you would ask for the answers but only end up with more questions.  I would ask, but right now I had to make sure that she was okay first.  I walked to the bed and sat down next to her, and placed my hand on her cheek, and moved her hair out of her face.  She was so beautiful, even covered in human blood.  I would asked her when she wakes up why she is covered in blood.  I turned to everyone that stood in the door way, watching me.  I looked into Sam's eyes.

"You know what has to be done, you know she broke the treaty."  I heard him in my head, it turns out that even in human form, only Sam and I could communicate with one another if eye contact is made, or if it is an urgent matter, if we concentrate hard enough. 

A growl erupted from within me and escaped my lips.  You will have to go through me!"

"I that is what you wish?"

Emily stepped in between us, putting her hands up with her palms facing each of us.  "Now there will be no fighting in my house and I for one would like to know why she is covered in blood, what happened, and why Bella and Edward isn't here with her, or why they are not calling to check on her to see where she is.  There has to be a good explanation for this."

Sam looked at her, then nodded and left the room.  Everyone soon followed suite.  I sat there on the side of the bed not wanting to leave her side.  She was covered in blood, but she was still my beautiful Renesmee.  I had been sitting there just watching her, I didn't even notice that I had fallen asleep until Seth came in saying that Emily made dinner and it was time to eat.  The only problem was that I wasn't hungry, that or I didn't want food, I couldn't eat and wouldn't eat until I knew that Nessie was okay and what is going on. 

"Im not hungry."  Was all that I told him.

"But you're always hungry."

"Not tonight Seth, go on and eat with the others."

He did as he was told.  I heard him go down to the kitchen, I heard him tell everyone that I wasn't hungry, I even heard them say that I must be really affected by what has happened today.  Of course I am affected, my imprint shows up after being away from me for years and she happens to be found passed out and covered in blood.  Human blood and now we don't know when she will wake up.  We don't have Carlisle right now, we don't have anyone.  We just sit here and wait for her to wake up and tell us what is going on.  That could take das, I mean who knows when she will wake up or if she will wake up at all.  No don't think like that of course she will wake up, she has to.  She is strong, she will wake up, I know it.  I looked at the clock to see that it was a little passed eleven.  I needed to get some sleep.  But I didn't want to leave her.  I laid down next to her and threw my arm around her waist.  I fell asleep instantly.

Nessie's POV

I could see momma and daddy they were in a cage then tied up, they were being tortuered. 

The Moon Will Rise at Sun Downحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن