Finding Her, and Having Questions

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This time I was not going to stop, not until I reached him.  I lost track of time.  I think I was running for days now.  I don’t know how long I have been running since I left the diner.  All I know is that I was getting tired.  My legs felt like jelly.  I want to stop, No I can’t stop.  I have to keep going.  Everything is green now.  Some of it looks familiar, but I don’t stop to pay attention.  Too tired to stop, too tired to keep going.  I past a road, it had a sign, I was in Forks.  Although I did not know where in Forks.  All I know is that I am getting closer.  I pushed myself to go faster.  My head was hurting, I started to see dots in my vision.  NO, I Will Not Stop yet, I have to keep going. 

Everything was spinning, the world won’t stop spinning, I need to rest, I need to keep going, I need to eat, I need blood, I need help.  I jumped across a river and landed.  I fell to the ground, too tired to stay on my feet.  I remember rolling and then I stopped.  I tried to stand, but only fell back down.  I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer.  I had to stop.

Seth's POV

I was on patrol right now, and so there was nothing so far.  Ever since the Volturi left we haven’t had many vampires.  IU mean we have had a few, but there hasn’t been a vampire here in a few months.  Hake is my alpha and he had assigned me to patrol tonight.  Along with Embry and Leah.  Even Paul was with us tonight.  I was lost in my thoughts, but I knew that I was near the border.  I started to turn back around when the scent hit my nose.  It made my nostrils flare.  I started to head towards the scent.  Whoever it is, was on our land. 

I didn’t tell Leah or anyone else just yet, because something about this scent was off.  This scent was familiar, it was vampire mixed with, with human blood.  I pushed myself to go faster, it couldn’t be, there was no way.  But her scent wasn’t right.  It had been fifteen years since the Cullens left.  Since I have smelled this scent.  I knew without a doubt that it was Renesmee.  But something was off about her scent, there was other human blood mixed with her own.  I didn’t know what that meant until I reached her.  She was passed out on the ground with human blood going down her jaw line and her neck to her shirt and jacket.  Her hands were covered in blood.  It was human blood, and it wasn’t hers, a growl left from within my chest.  Hoping that it would awaken her, but she didn’t even move.  Her breathing was slow.  Too slow.  Her heart beat was slower than normal as well.  Something was wrong.  Why was she covered in blood, and where was Bella or Edward?  Why had they not called first?  But mainly why was Renesmee covered in human blood?  I sent a message to Leah telling her to get everyone to Sam's and Emily's.  I phased back into my human for, taking my cloths from my ankle and putting my shorts on, I picked Renesmee up off of the ground.  She was so cold, she wasn’t always this cold.  I ran as fast as this form would allow.  I had to get her to Sam's as fast as I could.  I got there and Sam came storming out of the house.

"What is it Seth?"

I knew he wanted to know who I was carrying and why she was covered in human blood.

"Its Renesmee, where's Jake?"

Understanding and realization came across his face.  He stepped to the side, he held the door open for me.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"I don’t know, I found her passed out by the border and I can’t get her to wake up.  She was alone and I don’t know why. 

Emily drops the plate of cookies that she held in her hands when she turned to see me with this bloody Resemee in my arms.  She soon went into action.

"Seth come bring her to the guest room."

I followed her to the guest room, where I placed Renesmee down on the bed.  We heard the front door open, knowing that the boys were showing up.  We walked back into the kitchen to see everyone, but Jacob.  But I knew he was on his way.  Right when I thought that he appeared in the door way.  He stayed there and game the death glare.  I knew that he was sleeping when this happened, he spoke first.

"What is going on Seth, why did you have Leah come wake me up?  He used his alpha tone causing me to automatically lower my head in submission. 

I looked at everyone, they were asking the same question.

"What is so important that you had to call all of us here?"

I looked at everyone and came to meet Jacob's eyes last.  I took a deep breath and then spoke to Jake.  Only Jake, my alpha.  

"I found Renesmee."  I paused, then continued, "She was unconscious by the border."

Everyone had shock expressions on their faces.  Jacob of course was the first to speak up. 

"Where is she?!" 

"She's in the guest room."

He headed straight for the guest room, before I could even finish my sentence, pushing past me to get to her.

"Jake wait."

But he was already in the door way staring at her still body, with the only sign of life, was her heart beating and her slow breathing.  He went to sit beside her on the bed.  He placed his hand on her cheek and moved her hair out of her face.  He spoke so low that I barley heard him. 

"Could you give me a minute?"

We all left to give him some time with her, with Renesmee, with his imprint.

Jacob's POV  (Guided light- by Foy Vance)

Renesmee, her name was echoing in my head, all of the memories came flooding back to me all at once.  Her laugh, her smile, her touch, the way she would look at you when she was confused or scared.  When we would go hunting together, when she had to leave, when we would even skype when she was younger and she told me what she had been learning in school, how happy she was to learn a song on the piano that Edward helped her learn, or that she learned on her own.  When she learned new words, how she would laugh when I said something funny or something that one of her family members said in the background that she thought was funny.  Seeing her smile and laugh with her mother on video chat.  I heard Seth say that she was unconscious, why would she be unconscious?  And why do I smell other human blood?  I could hear her heart beat somewhere in Sam’s house but I could pin oint it.  It was slower than normal, what happened?  I had to know where she was, my body felt like it was on fire, that I would explode at any moment that I would kill anything in sight if I didn’t see my imprint, I I didn’t see Renesmee in time. 

"Seth where is she?!"

He started to say that she was in the guest room, I was out of the kitchen before he could finish.  That is all I needed to know.  I went to the guest room and opened the door and to my horror, my worst nightmare. 

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