The truth

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Renesmee's POV

Jacob carried me to my bed and he laid me down, then pulling the covers over me to keep me warm. I reached out for his arm when he went to move to leave the room and to go to his own. "Please don't leave me..." I begged him, with tears still falling down my face, I knew that I must look disgusting.

He climbed into the bed with me and took me in his arms. I curled into him, and continued to cry into him.

"I will never you leave you, I promise." Jake told him, it sounded as if he wanted to cry as well. The thing that kept going through my mind was how he could promise me that.

"How can you promise me that, how do I know that you won't leave me alone?"

"Trust me, I will never leave you alone, unless you send me away. I will always protect you Renesmee." He used my name, not the nicknames he had given me when I was a child, but the name my mother gave me, I knew that he was serious. It brought more tears to fall down my face, when he said that I wound send him away.

"I could never send you away Jake." I told him as I sniffled, trying to stop myself from crying. I hate crying, it shows weakness, and I am not weak. I got closer to him, and sighed as I took in his scent. I don't know why but it is calming. Soon I found myself with my nose in the crock of his neck. I continued to breathe in his scent, and at one point my lips brushed against the skin of his neck, when I moved to get more comfortable. His breath hitched, and I wondered why. His hold on my waist tightened, and his entire body seemed to shake slightly, but I knew he wasn't going to shift, not with me this close to him. "Jacob?"

"You should stop doing that Ness."

I pulled away to look at him. My hands on his chest. "Doing what?" I was a bit confused. I looked down slightly, and then knew what he was talking about. Oh. "Sorry." I told him, as I rolled back to my side of the bed, I laid on my back staring up at the ceiling. Doesn't that sort of thing happen when you are attracted to the person, Jake is my best friend, he has always been there for me since I was a baby. Why would he have this feeling for me. I felt the bed move and soon Jake was laying on his side facing me. He stared at me in a way no one has looked at me before, and I didn't know how to respond. Do I have feelings for Jake, yes, but I don't understand it. I don't know why I feel like sparks go through my body when we touch, or why his scent always calms me down, when to the rest of my family they hate it. Why do I love his smell, and they don't? Why do I feel the need to be by his side all of the time? Why does being with him, make me feel safer than I have felt with anyone else. Why do I trust him so? I rolled onto my side to try and think more, about my feelings, about what is happening, about Jake. I felt his arm wrap around my waist, and he pulled me against his chest. His nose went to the crock of my neck and he breathed in.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this." He whispered, and he sounded a bit strained.

"Do what," my breath caught in my throat.

"Pretend that you have no effect on me."

"What do you mean an effect on you?"

"You know exactly what I mean ness."

"Yes, but why do I have an effect on you?" I asked him as I rolled over onto my back once more to look up into his eyes. "Why do I feel this way for you? Why do I feel so comfortable with you, why does your scent calm me, and not make me cringe away from you, why do I feel a pull to you Jake?"

"Do you remember any of the stories about my people that my father told you when you were younger?" I thought about it. I remembered a few stories that he would tell me. I remember the one about the cold ones, about how his tribe first met my family. About how they first shifted, about how they hate mates, but they were called something else. I know there were more stories, but those are the ones that I remember the most, but my memory is still a bit fuzzy.

"I remember a few." I told him.

"Which ones do you remember?" I told him the ones that I remembered, and that my memory was a bit fuzzy on some of it. "Imprints, that what our mates are called."

"Right, yeah, I remember. So why do you want me to remember this?" I asked him a bit confused, but more so than before.

"The connection that we have with our imprints is much stronger than that of what some would call a mate. For us our imprint is our life, gravity isn't holding us to the earth, our imprint is. Nothing else matters, but our imprint, their safety and happiness."

I thought this over, that makes since, and it's a bit romantic sounding actually, but what does that have to do with me?

"But why are you telling me this? Have you found yours?" I asked him, being curious.

"Yes, I have." His eyes changed, they held something there, but I wasn't entirely sure what it was.

"Is she pretty."

"No. She is beautiful." Beautiful, no guys uses that word anymore, not unless they really love her.

"Oh. You really love her don't you?" I asked him, looking away from him. So he has someone already, but then why is he here with me.


"Then why aren't you with her?" I asked him, trying to look at everything, but him.

He took hold of my chin gently and turned my head, so that he could look into my eyes. He searched my eyes.

"I am with her." I have never heard his voice like that. It made my heart melt, it made my heart skip a few beats, it made me forget how to breathe, how to speak, how to do anything. I searched his eyes with my own, and I felt a smile tugging on my lips. He caressed my cheek, and placed his forehead to mine. I sighed, as did he, we were happy.

"I am broken." I told him.

"Then let me help heal you?" He asked pulling away.

"If you are up to the task?"

"I will face anything you throw at me." He was dead serious. "Ness if you don't want to be with me, if you want to remain just friends, I will do it, just.... I just want you to be happy."

I placed my left hand to the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me slightly.

 "I don't want to be just friends." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes savoring this moment. The feeling of his lips on my skin, the feeling of him being so close to me. He pulled away too quickly for my liking.

"Sleep Ness." He laid on his side, and kept his arm around me. I snuggled into him more, and closed my eyes.

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