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'Good morning to you too, Pallis.'

'You didn't answer my question. Why is your jaw bruised?'

'Nothing. Just a bit of a brawl.'

'I call bullshit. What happened? You didn't come to my house for dinner!'

'Yeah, about that...'

'Speak up, Alaric!'



'Yeah. I came by your house late and you were possibly drunk and your father called me 'an escort' and-'

'My dad called you a whore, right?'

'I was going easy on you. He called me an escort and punched me square in the jaw. I helped you up after you fainted from a panic attack and your father cursed me out. This is the story in a nutshell.'

'Look, this is not happening again. I will do the project on my own and you can submit it.'

'Pallis, one punch can't hurt me. I saw World War II with my own eyes. It was nothing.'

'Wait, you mean-'

'Yeah. I was fighting against Hitler. Laugh all you want.'

'Does this mean that you knowFrench?'

'It is a bit rusty but I can surely try.'

Kevin was working up his brain and thinking of ways to use Alaric. He knew that was terrible in the language and he thought that maybe he could ask the vampire for help. Smirking internally, he pulled the best innocent face he could and asked the elder one for his help in the language.

Alaric was ecstatic. The vampire took a liking to the human and wanted to pursue him. For this, he tried to act nice and polite, but it failed. Now came plan B, more like plan M, and decided he could seduce him. After basically confirming that he liked the same gender from his father the last night, he had been coming up with plans to seduce Kevin. Clearly, French is the language of love. He ought to score the guy!

'This is going to be fun,' thought both of them, unknowingly.

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