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I was playing in my room when my mom came bursting in and whispered yelled " Jack hide ! Hide now!"  I got up from my place on the ground and ran for my secerrt door hidden in my closet that my mom made for me when " he" comes home. I rushed to the door and opened it and slid in just in time for my father to come stroming in. " WHERE THE HELL IS HEEE ?!"  I stifled a whimper with my hands over my mouth as I waited for him to leave. It was a long time and I heard nothing but silence, I opened my door quietly and picked out. I looked around my room and didn't see him, I crawled out and shut the door softly.


I jumped at the sound and tiptoed to the hallway and picked over the railing to see my mom on the floor surround by glass with my father over her. I didn't want him to hurt her anymore so I came out of my hiding spot and said "NO, please don't hurt her anymore!". My father glared at me with a evil smirk he said " Why ? What are you gonna do about it you worthless piece of shit ?" I swallowed deeply and said " Hurt me, hurt me not her." I watched as my mom had a look of horror on her face as I said those words, my father on the other hand looked at me with a cold emotionless grin. I looked at my mom and gave her what I hoped was a reasuring smile, " I'll be okay mom, you heal up and rest. " I came down the stairs and helped her up as I whispered to her " Get a job and get us out of here." I pulled away and appraoched my father as I was within a foot in front of him. He grabbed me forcefully by the arm and dragged down into the basement and tossed me to the ground. I looked at him scared for my life as I was only 8 and he was alot stronger than me. " Your a brave little worthless ass you know. But your also pathetic for defending the weak, and a whore like your mother!!" He came at me and kicked my face hard, I was knocked to the ground and was in a daze until he came over. I covered myself with my arms to try and protect myself from his kicks, I yelled in pain as he grabbed my hair and dragged me over to something. I was thrown to the ground and I laid there as he pulled something from behind a small opening in the wall. I froze at what
I saw it was a rope with spikes on it, I whimpered and backed away into a corner as he came closer to me with it.

Narative POV
All night and through out the house you could hear the screams of a little boy beging his father to stop. His mom upstairs was crying in her bed as she heard these cries from the basement. As much as she wanted to she couldnt get the door open since her "lover" locked from the inside and has the only key to it. She cired herself to sleep and woke up in the morning to hear a door slam close, and then complete silence. June got up from her bed and limped to the hallway, she peaked out and didnt hear a thing. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, she went to the basement door and found it unlocked. She opened it and rushed down the steps and saw her little boy in the fatherest corner of the room, she began to tremble as she saw the damange her "husband". " Jack ?!" she whispered yelled, and ran towards him and checked him for broken bones. She found none so far " Oh Jack why did you do that ?! I'm the mom I'm suppose to protect you not the other way around !!" She cired in refief that he was alive and was still breathing. " Come lets get you to the bathroom and fixed up and then to bed to rest." She helped Jack up and took him to the bathroom and fixed him up.

~few years later~

Jack who is now 16 years old, his father is in prision doing time for assault and battery to a customer. His mom found an opening in the medic field at a hospital in Jasper, Nevada so they both packed up and moved there covering their tracks from unwanted vistiors.   Now Jack lives in Nevada now, he still has nightmares, and panic attack from sudden triggers.

I create my own drawings soo sorry if you can't make them out, Ill do my best to make it as clear as possible!! I hope you guys enjoy this and leave a comment to tell me how I did!! Until then cya later night readers and preace out.

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