5.) He found me

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Optimus POV

I look at Jack as I waited patiently for his answer, I could tell that he didn't want to talk about it but needed it to get off his chest. " It was a memory of when my fath...father he would  beat me everytime I came home from school. I was 6 at the time when I was jumped by some bullies from school and they were kicking and punching me. I don't know when I passed out, but by the time I came too it close to dark and I had to get up and  run to my house for I was super late." He gave a pained look at he gripped his left leg, I looked at ratchet signaling to scan the leg discreetly. I gently moved my servo closer to Jack so he can see I mean no harm and I gently rub his head. He leaned closer and contuined his story " As I approached my house I was hoping I beat my father home, but as I came up to the driveway his truck was there. I froze trying to think of a way to quietly get into my room or to the hospital where my mom works at. Before I could even make a move I heard the door slam open and he came runing at me I screamed in terror and tried to make a run for it. That made it worse he ran faster after me, he caught up to me and pulled me by my hair all the way into the house and down into the.....mumbled basement." I'm sorry Jack can you repeat that ?" asked Ratchet. " He..he pulled me down into the basement and chained me up to the cieling." I stopped my motions I was doing I felt my energon boil as I realized that my previous theory before when I was in his house was true. I took a mental deep breath and spoke," Jack if you want you dont have to contuine anymore than it is need okay?" Jack looked at me and I can see the torment, pain, fear, and something else that I am unfimiliar with. He sighed shakily before he resumed to talking, " He dragged me down to the basement and chained me up and took off my shirt and began to punch me in my face, stomach, anywhere he can lay a hit on me. I tried to fight back with my legs but he grabbed my left leg and  broke my leg for coming home and contuined to yell at me calling me stupid and a basterd of a son." I looked at Jack with sadness and anger that his creator treated him like that and such pain that he has caused Jack. My spark acted for the sparkling here I turned on my holoform and sat on the bed next to Jack and hugged him as he sobbed. I looked at ratchet who had been silently for a while now, Ratchet looked sadden and angered at what happened to Jack.

Ratchet POV
I looked at the youngling in front of me that is clinging to Optimus like a sparkling, I scaned him and saw that his stress levels and his breathing were still the same and that is bad he needs to calm down if he doesn't calm down he would beging to hyperventilate. Optimus pick up jack and hold him to your spark he needs to calm down now or he will hyperventilate!

Optimus POV
I nodded at ratchet and pick Jack up slowly and cradled him to my spark and opened it a crack so Jack can hear it beating, I have no idea if this will work for human younglings as it does for sparkling's. I hold him close and watch as he slowly stops sobbing and is now snuggling closer to as a sparkling. I look at Ratchet as he scans Jack once more to see if he has calmed down and he has from the look of ratchets face, How is looking old friend? " He is doing better now Optimus, just keep him there for a couple of minutes and he should fall asleep in no time Primus knows he needs it. I sat down on a crate in Ratchets med bay and waited, I looked at Jack's face and he looked relaxed and comfortable than I have seen so far when we first met him.
Once Ratchet gave the all clear I put Jack down on the medical gurney that we have in the med bay for the children should they get hurt. I covered him with the weighted blanket to make it seem like that I am still holding him. I close my chest plate and walk over to Ratchet and ask what did the scans on his leg indicate Ratchet? " The scans showed signs of improper healing and never damage as well, how is this youngling still walking he shouldn't be able to walk on his leg at all!" I turned to look at Jack as did Ratchet I do not know, but what I do know is that humans are stronger than that meet the eyes.

Sometime later

Jack POV

I wake up feeling well-rested and calm, something I haven't in a long time, I look around and spot Ratchet near his workbench. I slowly sit up and notice that Ratchet is walking over to me, I gave a small nervous wave of hello to him. He gives me a soft smile and comes over and scans me while asking " How are you feeling now Jack?" I feel okay and not so panicky if that's what you mean... " Just okay nothing else? I am asking about your well-being both your mental and physical self."  Oh, I said I thought about my mental wellness and physical self let's see yup my chest hurts kinda and my head feels heavy. I look at Ratchet and say that Well mentally I have a headache, my head feels heavy, and physically my lungs kinda hurt like it's sore and a bit hard to breathe. " Here I'm going to put this mask on you so you can breathe a bit more and the headache will start to lessen, as for your lungs they are just sore from the panic attacks, and hyperventilation that you go into. " I nod at him as I feel my headache start to get less painful as I get more oxygen into my lungs. I look down at my hands as he fiddles with my IV on my hand no doubt it's meds to keep me calm and relaxed. After a while, I see Optimus and the other bots and kids come in through separate tunnels. I smile when I see Raf and Miko, they make their way over to me and Raf gives me my homework and Miko tells me what I missed at school. 

After a while it's time for us to go home, I slowly get up with the help of Miko and Raf as they help me to Optimus alt form. I get in and sit in the seat as the seat belt slides across from me spraping me in snuggly as we head out of base. After a few minutes we pull up to my house only for me to freeze in fear as I see my mothers scared look and the man that has caused me so much torment and pain. I zone in on the gun he has trained on my mom's back, as they approach me. I can see Orion's holoform calmly looking at me and the situation that I find myself in. I noticed that when my father tried to open the door that it wouldn't budge. I realize that Optimus is protecting me from him,  JACKSON COME OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOW OR I WILL SHOOT YOUR MOTHER !!! I gasp in fear as he ready the gun to shoot. I looked at Orion and told him please do something anything ! I turned back to my mom as she said JACK LISTEN TO ME GO WITH ORION, ORION I GIVE YOU FULL CUSTODY OF MY SON JACKSON JAMES DARBY. NOW PLEASE ORION GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!! " NOOOO I shouted as Optimus drove off leaving my mom in HIS hands, I head a loud bang and watched as her body fell to the ground slowly. I screamed sobbing and wailing as we left, I could feel Orion near me wanting to comfort me, I wanted to be mad at him but I couldn't he was doing what my mom felt was needed. I curled up in his seat my back towards his holoform as we drove back to base. I sobbed silently as we came to a stop I saw that it was only Ratchet there and no one else. I hear Optimus door open as I hid my face in my arms, I felt myself being lifted up and being held against something warm. I turned towards it and continued to cry softly, I am sorry for your loss little one. I snuggled closer to Ratchet as he held me while he talked with Optimus in another language that sounded soft and soothing. I eventually felt myself being transferred to another pair of servos, as I fell asleep I felt something being trapped over me as I went into what I hope is a dreamless sleep. 

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⏰ Huling update: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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