Thinking Of Home

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"Mister Joestar you really should take a take some time to heal,you've been injured."

George winced as shards of glass and metal shrapnel were pulled out of his back.Streaks of mud and spots of blood still yet to dry were dappled across his uniform.The war had taken its toll on all of the men at his station.Compared to all the historical fights they'd heard stories of as glorious battles;they all might as well have been sent to hell.Every side seemed to suffer.All of them,fighting,and dying for someone they had making decisions nobody asked for.They were all together in this suffering and yet each one of them still fought to make it like that.It was for those back home.Every man had something he was defending and by god he would not let his family get hurt because of his slacking.

At the same time he desperately wished to be back home,warm and safe curled up near the fire with his wife in his arms.His heart ached thinking of her face,her brief yet glowing smiles,the sound of her voice.If he closed his eyes he could've been there.The ripping pain of a final obtrusion being pull out made the image fade like mist though.

"Now I'm ordering you,"The doctor shook the forceps in his hand,bullet clamped in it's metal jaws."Take a rest to heal.You can't fly with a still bleeding gunshot wound."There was a sudden blooming pain going through his arm,ocean blue eyes clamped shut at how every nerve had seemed to be doused in alcohol and lit on fire.It's hot electric sting shot down all the way to his fingertips.The sound of lead hitting the tin pan was muffled like cotton blocked the heavy clanking tone."Whoever got you was good shot,almost hit you right on that star of yours."

"Yeah I guess they weren't good enough though,went running off into the hills after I shot down their friend."He silently wished they'd made it out,there'd already been too many deaths,he didn't need to add on another.

He sighed,heading into his quarters.He laid face up on the rigid cot.The roof was dull and plain in color but he didn't mind,it made it easier for his mind to wander.He wished for nothing more than to be back from the horrors of war.Everyone else wanted the same,to live safe and peaceful.Hell,a lot of the men fighting were barely old enough to be on their own,missing their mothers back home.They shouldn't have to go brave the destitute hell on earth they'd unknowingly signed up for.He remembered the stories some of them had told him,about wanting to come home victorious,celebrated as heroes.He came for a lot of the same reasons but now he was there to protect his family,to protect his wife and mother and to protect his young comrades that he partially saw as younger brothers.

"Joestar?You in there?"Someone said before popping his head inside.

"Yes,what do you need?"He sat up,wincing as pain wracked through his arm and down his back again.

"Well sir,there's a reporter here to ask some questions."

'Questions?'That was odd,military pilots rarely got interviewed."I guess they can come in."He swung his legs over the side of the cot as a man stepped in.

He was dressed in a simple tweed coat and slacks,round glasses balanced on the tip of his nose.He held out his hand to shake."I've been looking for a story and I was told to come to you sir."

He shook it."I don't know how much of a story you'll get outta me but I'll answer any questions you have."He sat down on the empty cot across from him.

"Your solo take down today was your fifth so far correct?"He'd never really counted.He'd been in too many dogfights to keep track of who fell and who didn't anymore.The only thing that mattered was that his comrades came back alive.

"I guess,I'm not too focused on how many take downs I've got,keeping my countrymen safe is my first priority."

The man seemed to disregard that point as he pushed his glasses up on his nose and twirled his pen between his fingers.

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