Golden Light

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The next week passed quickly in a flurry of cleaning.All the inhabitants scrambled to make the home as hospitable as possible,Every shelf was dusted,every nook and cranny swept spotless.They were all tired by the end of it but he had to admit,the place had never looked better.The bright light of the day began to fade away into shades of vivid orange and reds that faded into dusty purple as the sun slowly sank below the horizon,and he wondered about the visitors.

'Are they old family friends from England?Or maybe some business associates from somewhere in the U.S.?'Either way,they probably would pay no mind to him and he would be left to read through more of the journals.'But I guess reading all day does tend to get a little boring... Maybe I'll go out go out on the town to get some fresh air while everyone else is busy.'he mused to himself with a shallow sigh.His eyes took in the view from outside the window where a few sparsely placed stars began to shine in the dyeing twilight.

In the low light of barely-dawn the house was still,window pristine in clarity and not a spec of dust resided on the tomes of their tiny personal library.It held the uncomfortable peace a vacant home.This tranquility was shattered when, in the cold light of an August dawn the sound of knocking on a heavy wooden door resonated through the entire home.It's low and deep sound stirred the house into a flurry of action.After quickly getting dressed,George descended the stairs with energized thumping steps to hastily arrive at the foyer ready to formally greet their guests.His mother was calm and silent as she stalked out of her room over to him before Robert frantically burst from his respective room and rushed to join them.Another deep knock on the wooden door sounded,reminding them to let their guests in.And after a moment blank thought George opened the heavy door to the visitors.In strode a mysterious man tall and thin with a lengthy black ponytail.Quietly trailing behind him was an equally mysterious-looking girl,She couldn't have been much older than George himself with long black hair tied back in a simple braid.Robert greeted the man with a wide smile and a pat on the back.

"How's it been up in the o'l monastery Straits?"

The man remained stiff and shrugged."Same as it's always been I suppose,this ones definitely becoming hard to handle though."He smiled warmly and put a hand on the girl's shoulder."She's a quick learner."

A look of realization dawned on Erina's face momentarily before she swiftly wrapped her arms around the girl."I didn't recognize you Elizabeth!You've gotten so big."Her tone became lighter with cheer.The dark-haired girl looked uncomfortable and more than a little confused but said nothing as his mother embraced her.Robert tapped her gently on the shoulder.She remembered her composure in an instant and let go of Elizabeth.Withing a moment she'd regained her polite and upright posture.

"I apologize for my intrusion,it's been quite a long time."A tiny bit of the light draining from her cerulean eyes."You must not recognize me,I rescued you as a baby."

The girl's pale blue eyes widened in realization and surprise"You must be Miss Erina then."

before he could know what was happening,George was grabbed by the wrist and dragged closer to his mother."Indeed I am and this is my son George II."He outstretched a hand towards Elizabeth,she took it and they awkwardly exchanged greetings.

Straits spoke again."Well,weave both had a long journey and would like to rest.Would somebody mind showing us to our rooms?"Robert nodded and looked back to George.

"You are dismissed."

Later on,he decided to go out for a walk,journal in hand.He'd finished the first and had gotten partway through the next.Sitting down in the cool shade of a riverside tree he began to read. Jonathn's quaint daily life never failed to engross him,despite Dio being a present force things were peaceful.He only wished his young father had some more company,the house as he described it was so lonely with such limited company.The sound of distant splashing and flustered speech interrupted his reading.Curious,he carefully set down the diary and walked along the rocky bank.Quietly brushing past a willow's wavering branches and slipping through tall reeds.The sounds grew louder as a new and peculiar ringing met his ears.Poking his head through the reeds,there was Elizabeth,slacks rolled up and standing in the middle of the flowing river.Ripples emanated from where she stood.Her entire body seemed to light up with each deep breath she took.

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