Back Where We Started

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Two years passed since that old wooden chest was first uncovered and it still sat where George had left it,collecting dust underneath his bed.He laid atop the covers head propped up by his arms,eyes going to the texture of the ceiling.His grown-out hair pulled back in a ponytail the way Speedwagon used to wear it.Work at the lumber yard was tiring but satisfying.His eyes absentmindedly flicked to the world outside the window.The curious sound of tapping on glass sounded as a tiny pebble bounced off the pane,followed by another tiny rock.Thoroughly snapped out of his trance,he looked down to see two familiar figures waving their hands in an exaggerated greeting.He burst out of his room,leaving the door to swing back.Just short of flying down the stairs,he yanked open the hefty door.The cheekily grins on their faces were the only hello they needed as he had already received their prior greeting-of-sorts.

He bowed as low as he could and put on his most gentlemanly voices,an imitation of the depictions he heard of his father.

"Mr.Rickford Snow."He repeated the low bow."And the esteemed Ms.Levi Delgado."

As soon as he'd come back up he was met with a rough punch on the shoulder from said caramel-haired girl,confident smirk on her face.

"We're not in the ring,you don't have to call me that."She said,a tinge of humour making its way into her voice.

He stood straight again,cupping the back of his neck."I'm sorry,it just kind of became a habit,I'll call you by your real name from now on."

Ricky turned to her."Aw c'mon I always kind of liked the stage name.It's unique,like you.And I've been looking for a good nickname to call you by for ages."He smiled brightly.

She looked to him with an exaggerated sternness in her expression,eyebrows drawn tightly together.The redhead pulled an expression of mock pleading.She rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Fine."She sighed exasperatedly.

Before she could protest,the red-haired boy gave her a quick peck on the nose before bolting off in the opposite direction.Red-faced and flushing,she raced after him.There was a deep chuckle from behind.He turned to see speedwagon brandishing four poles,his shorn blond hair peeking out from underneath his old checkered top hat.

"They bein' rascals again?"He asked with his eyes distant.


"Figured as much."

The sound of footsteps got louder and soon enough the pair had appeared again,blushing,disheveled,each with a couple of new grass stains and dirt on their clothing.

"Looks like we're all here.The nearby creek widens out further down so we'll be following it until we find the right spot."The man said in his energetic and ever raucous tone.They followed the man closely,crunching through the early summer grass.

The creek babbled as they approached,treading along it's pebbly bank.It did get larger and deeper downstream,rocks no longer stuck up from the water like island,high walls carved from the earth stood on either side as the surrounding forest encroached more the further they went.At some point the small party decided it would be better to follow from beyond the high walls.They'd finally stopped at an old run down bridge.Small dapples of light flitted through the thick canopy.They rested,sitting down on the ledge,legs hanging down and bait set in the water.

Hours filled with catch and release passed as the sun had began it's slow dip over the horizon,yellow and scarlet shades highlighting the world.It was so still not even the trees shook in the breeze.So silent,like a single tiny sound would shatter the hush like a thin pane of glass.

"George."Speedwagon spoke,curiously the silence hadn't broken."I have good news."They turned to look at each other,his eyes were staring at him but hat look seemed distant with remembrance.

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