New Recollection

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The peaceful and restful air of early morning was completely shattered with deep resonating knocks.And George practically flew out from under the covers and dressed with frantic and excited swiftness.Stomping down the stairs to meet his mother quietly stepping out from her room soon-to-be followed up by Speedwagon rushing down the steps,short hair still mussed from sleep.The knock repeated and George opened the door as two figures stepped into the room.Time slowed to a crawl for a few tense seconds and his heart raced with anticipation.A faced popped out from behind the door.Long raven hair draped over her shoulders and dark eyes lit with excitement.

"Elizabeth!"He shut the door and turned to face his old friend,a smile tugging on his lips.

They shook hands,her grip was unsurprisingly stronger than what would be expected of a lady.

"It's good to see you again."Her voice was light and genuine.

"It's the same for you,it has been way too long."

He turned to straits who was greeting Speedwagon and his mother warmly but distant.The man still looked like he was in his twenties thought he knew that couldn't be the case.

His mother then turned to Elizabeth and embraced her."You've grown so much in two years,soon you and George will be all grown and I'll be an old hag."

The dark-haired girl gave a chuckle at that and the teens turned to look at Speedwagon expectantly who stared back with a bit of nervous humor.

"Run along you two,there's bound to be something much more interesting out there than a bunch of old people catching up."

The pair nodded without question and walked out the door,though neither spoke word they both knew where their destination was.

The stream bubbled energetically just as it had two years ago,the scene could've been the same as before if not for the fact that they'd both grown quite a bit.Their walk ended at a large rock to the side of the bank,Elizabeth perched atop it,basking in the sunlight.He held back telling her that she reminded him of a lizard sunning itself.

"It's been quite the long time hasn't it?"She asked,laying upside down to face him.

"Yep."He answered contentedly,crossing his arms behind his head and leaning back onto the cool stone.

"I see you've stolen Mr.Speedwagon's pride and joy."She ruffled his hair,long brown curls obscuring his field of vision.

He blew a few stray ones out of his eyes and fetched a stray lock from his mouth."It was only fair that if he cut his I'd grow mine."He put his hand to his chin and lilted his face in mock preening."And I think I look quite dashing with long hair."

To that she could only reply with a "Pfft" as she slid down from the top of the rock.She stood up and dusted herself off.He met her eyes.

"I told you I learned the overdrive technique right?"

He nodded.Excitement building at what that question might entail.

"Would you like a demonstration?"He nodded again eagerly.

He got up and stood expectantly as she looked at her surroundings,her steely eyes narrowed and focusing on the tree behind them.

"Actually,I've got a better idea.Go lean against that tree please."

He gulped nervously and did as she asked.Now this couldn't be good.She walked over to him,wry smile spreading across her lips.The hamon emanating from her body so powerful that it appeared like flames licking at the air.She raised her fist and it glowed with crackling golden energy but much stronger.He flinched as she drew it back and struck him with force.Surprisingly,there was no pain,Just a blunt hit and nothing more.He relaxed from the wince and looked to see her standing in front of him,all the prior glow gone.Looking up he watched as ripple energy was sent coursing through the tree.Branches pulsed with energy like a golden heartbeat as they grew longer and dense swaths of foliage unfolded before his eyes.They stood there for another few silent moments as the last of the energy was spent through the branches.

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