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The new grass of spring was soft underfoot and the fresh sunshine felt good after the long winter that'd passed.The air was clean and the sky clear,perfect of an outing.There was a flyer posted in town advertising a competitive wrestling tournament.It seemed all too all appropriate to get all the trapped energy of winter out in some way or another.A call echoed from somewhere behind as the crunching of grass became more evident when something or someone came barreling into his back and making him topple over."Get off me Ricky!"He breathed.

"And what if I don't?"The boy on his back mused,putting George in a playfully gentle headlock;a wry smile evident just from the tone of his voice.

"Well then..."George laughed breaking out of the headlock to stand up,redhead clinging to his shoulders as he began to walk forward towards the old where all sorts of boys big and small conversed among themselves.Away from the rest was mysterious character leaned up against one of the solid hickory trees that surrounded the old wooden ring he was thin and short with messy caramel hair that was mostly hidden under a faded blue newsboy's cap.Something about him seemed different than the rest,he disregarded if for the time,he looked like he wanted to be left alone and George wasn't going to go pester him for no reason.By the time the organizer of this rough and tumble game arrived George was perched comfortably one one of the hickory's great branches,swinging his legs contentedly.When he heard the announcer call all those competing together he rather clumsily slipped down the trunk and strode over to where Ricky had propped himself up against the aged and wormwood ridden fence post.

The rounds passed quickly with the high energy of the crowd,most came just to watch and cheer.He learned early on that it was much less wrestling and more free-for-all,he didn't mind.A couple opponents faced him in the ring,they all lost after a good fight and he never aimed to actually hurt them.It was all in good fun.When he was finally getting back into the crowd the announcer's voice called again.

"And now for the final round!George Joestar!"

There was an outrageously loud cheer,the sound of stomping and pounding on the fence posts seemed to resonate sonorously from all around.He found himself automatically hopping over the fence and then the middle of the ring with very little understanding of how he got there.The announcer spoke again.

"Versus Levi Delgado!"He'd forgot if he'd heard that name be called before.

All eyes turned to the caramel-haired boy.He looked back to him before hopping up to stride confidently from the tree over to the ring,effortlessly swinging over the fence and onto the well trodden earth.They met in the middle with the typical,courteous,sportsmanly handshake.He was vaguely aware of the announcer listing off the heavily modified rules in which they would play by.


The announcer belted out,instantaneously whipping the rowdy crowd into a frenzy as they shouted the names and blended them together into something incoherent.Quickly,he charged the boy with arms to grapple of need be.His opponent stayed quiet and unmoving.Arms locked he attempted to topple his opponent.A quick glance up revealed the smirk on Levi's face as he charged harder before feeling all residence be ripped from him as he barely escaped tripping himself over or running into the fence.In his unsteadiness he felt a strong push on his Shoulders and began to collapse,falling flat on his back.He could've gotten up if he wanted but he didn't feel like fighting anymore.And something told him if he kept fighting he'd lose anyways.

The crowd cheered as Levi stood victorious with a hand outstretched for him to grasp.He took it and heaved himself up while brushing the dust off his clothes.They exchanged a look.Though he'd been defeated,George felt no bitterness.The friendly competition was better than any spoil the victory could have held.He and Ricky just stayed there as boys filtered out of the area,arena becoming more solitary and definitely more quiet.By noon only three remained in the hollow,Ricky,himself,and Levi.

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