Chapter 6(???): Oh yeah Error's dead sorry bout that-

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A/N: Thanks everyone who has read my stories so far! Thank you all so much! Anyways, before we begin I'd like to explain:
My writing schedule:

Mon - Write a Chapter of WATSS (We Aren't The Star Sanses)
Tues - Oneshot
Wed - Chapter of WATSS
Thur - Oneshot, PJ's Daycare Story Chapter (I forgot the name..... so smart, I know)
Fri - Chapter of WATSS
Sat - Oneshot, Work on Upcoming Stories and their plots.
Sun - Day Off -_-"

Yep. So every other day will be a chapter of this story, but if it's a bad day like today it might be a half-chapter. I'm extremely busy today so it'll be a half-chapter. Sorry! And on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I will publish at least one oneshot for my oneshot book. And since the PJs Daycare book isn't the main story I'm working on and I still haven't even gotten a good plot and the first chapter SUCKS, I'll only make those on Thursdays. I hope you understand! And Sunday is a day off because every Sunday I'm always busy with family junk. So uhhh yeah.

Anyways, the chapter!


"Hey Mr. NootNoot?" asked Dust the next day. "Your fault for drinking yourself to Death. No literally you asked me to open a portal to Reaper's." Nightmare sighed. "Wow, ok, but that's not what I was going to say." Dust looked at Nightmare. "I was going to ask where the glitch is." "Error?" Nightmare asked. "Hmm.... I dunno. Let's go look. Probably in the anti-void." Nightmare yelled. "Going to the anti-void, guys! Wanna come?!" he yelled. KIller groaned. "I guesssssssssss...." he groaned, feeling sick to his non-existent stomach. "I'll come!" shouted Cross, standing up and wiping his eye-sockets before yawning. Horror shrugged. "I'll come too because if not I'd be the only one staying home and that's lonely." Horror grunted. Nightmare nodded and once everyone got to their positions, he opened a portal to the anti-void. He stepped through, yawning. Once he and the gang got there, however, nobody was there. "Error?" shouted Nightmare. "Come here, ya gotta come home now!" he yelled. No response. Killer looked around. "Not here. Try the save screen. He could be visiting Geno and Fresh." suggested Killer. Dust nodded. "Good idea, Kills." Dust said. Horror elbowed Nightmare. "Oh- okay. One portal coming up." said Nightmare. The goopy large skeleton looked distracted. Everyone ignored it, though, not wanting to get yelled at for questioning him or whatever. Nightmare opened a dark portal right to the save screen. "Ah- oh, it's just you, Nightmare." Geno said. Since Geno, Fresh, and Reaper were all family or like family to Error and eventually all of them, they didn't destroy their AU and sometimes even visited. Reaper even used to work for Nightmare. "Anyways, besides you scaring me, what're you here for?" "Oh, is Error here or was he here?" Asked Dust. Geno tapped his chin. "No, I don't think so. We thought he was with you guys since he wasn't in the anti-void." Geno responded. Fresh then popped up. "Try Outertale. It's radical there and Error brah goes there to vibe out." Fresh suggested. Cross blinked. "Hmm... good idea. Thanks Fresh, thanks Geno! Say hi to Reaper next time you make out!" Said Cross as Nightmare opened a portal they all stepped through. "H-hey! We're not-" Geno's voice was cut off as they entered the portal. Nightmare and the group appeared in Outertale, and almost immediately they started yelling for their glitchy friend. "Error!" "Glitchy!" "Errorrrrr!!!" they yelled.

B U T   N O B O D Y   C A M E


Nightmare sighed. "He might be asleep. Let's look at that one island he likes so much. It floats above the rest and has like some bushes and rocks near it, if I'm not mistaken." He shrugged. Horror nodded. "I think it's this way, Boss." he said, pointing northeast from where they were. Killer blinked. "Wow. How do you know?" Horror laughed. "There's a sign: 'Don't come here there's a poisonous skeleton.' In his handwriting. Like that's going to do anything." Horror chuckled. Dust smirked. "Whelp that's stupid. But he hasn't been found out by anyone but us yet so...." Nightmare rolled his eyes. "Everyone's stupid in these AUs. Let's just grab him and go."

Something about how Nightmare was speaking put everyone on edge. Nightmare looked at his feet as he walked, muttering something under his breath. Soon enough, they approached the little corner where Error usually was at. Nightmare looked up from his feet as he pushed past the bushes. He looked down where Error would usually be sitting. His breath caught in his throat and tears appeared in the corner of his eyes. He let out the breath he had no idea he had been holding in his throat and shakily stepped forward, letting the others see what he was so upset about. Almost immediately, everyone cried out in dismay. Horror was shaking and stayed silent, breathing audibly. Dust looked down at the scarf where Error should be and saw dust surrounding it. Killer's eyes widened and he looked down, his breath shaky. Cross had collapsed onto the floor in disbelief. Nightmare was the first to speak. 

"He.... dusted..." he whispered. Dust picked up Error's scarf and wiped his tears. He examined the scarf. "Paint...." he whispered. As everyone heard the dreaded word, they immediately realized who had done this. The misery that had overwhelmed them, the pity that drained everyone, was now replaced with a burning anger. 

Nightmare looked up. "YOU HEAR ME ARTIST!?" he yelled. "I WILL FIND YOU AND DUST YOU!" he yelled. "YOU WILL DIE!" he screeched, tears forming at the edges of his eyes. Dust scooped up Error's remains with his hands and carefully put them in a plastic bag.

Nightmare opened a portal. "We're going back to the mansion." he spat. "And we will kill that mistake of an artist for doing this. Error was our friend, and we will not let one of those Star Sluts take our friend's LIFE and get away with it." he hissed. He stormed through the portal and his team sulked after him, grief blinding them all.

Error was a friend to them all, they were so close. Dust, Killer and Nightmare even considered him a brother-like figure to them, and Cross and Horror considered him as their best friend. They were all broken now. DETERMINATION drained from their SOULS and into the ground. Nightmare felt negative emotions even too much for him to bear surrounding him. But one thing was set in stone in all of the Bad Guy's minds.'

The Star Sanses would pay.



Ink's POV:

I cheerfully opened a portal to the Doodlesphere. It felt so GOOD to feel again! I had forgotten it. Ruru helped me get my emotions back! Isn't that wonderful? And the Bad Guys didn't even attack or threaten me this time! It could have been just to save Dream and Blue and not make them evil things with the HATE but it COOOOOULD be a sign of friendship! I missed Error and I, hanging out together and stuff. As I leapt through the portal to the doodlesphere, I felt a sense of dread wash over me. But before I could open a portal to avoid it, I was met with a spine chilling, "Ink." I looked around to see Shattered Dream. Closing my eyes so he couldn't see my eyelights, I said, "Hello, Shattered!" Shit. Too joyful. "Open your eyes when talking to me, Ink." Shattered snarled. I shook my head. "I-I was just in a dark area in Outertale. If I open my eyes it'll hurt." "You weren't in Outertale. I looked for you there. Now open your goddamn eyes before I tear them out." Shattered spat. I nervously opened my eyes to see Shattered's pissed expression. "Ink, tell me why you have COLORFUL eyelights and WHY you sound so joyful, and WHY you have your VIALS?!" Shattered growled. I backed away. "Well, um, ermmmm it was just-" "Quiet, rat. I'm going to show you what liars get." Shattered shot a tentacle at my chest and slashed through my vials, the paint pouring on the ground. I felt suddenly dizzy. I looked up, eyelights fading as Shattered picked me up with a tentacle. "Ink, do you know what happens to liars?" he asked. I shook my head wearily. He smirked. "They get crushed." The tentacle he used to pick me up suddenly tightened, crushing my ribs. "Blue, NOW." Shattered said. I looked over to see Blue smiling. "Right away!" Blue reached inside his giant bow to grab a vial. A black vial. A HATE vial. My eyes widened. "Shattered! We-we can talk about this!" I exclaimed. But Shattered ignored my begging. "Blue, NOW." Blue nodded, a sick grin spread across his face as he opened the vial and forced it in my mouth, shoving it down my throat. 

I swallowed it against my will, and I was dropped to the ground, gagging.

(while editing this I realized I have the dirtiest mind alive help-)

 Shattered smirked as I writhed in pain. "Now, Ink. We have a job to do. Error's in Outertale. Do you know what that means?"

All emotions drained, I looked up. "Yes, Boss. I know what it means." I said, voice somehow even more emotionless than before. Shattered smirked. "Good."

Hehe I iz evil

Also guys I've settled on Cream and Killmare. Yes I ship Killmare. Yes I know practically everyone ships Crossmare and Killmare sucks for them but I'm QUIRKY.\


I need a life.

Goodbye, friends! Be sure to check out my other two books!

- Gecko Out!

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