Season 2 - Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9:
Missing You.

They all looked up from eating. They all started to smile at me. I didn't want to break this moment of happiness nor did I want to leave without them knowing. I guess happiness always comes with a price.

"I-I, I'm leaving tomorrow to go to another city..." I said quickly.

Everyone's faces flipped in shock. I don't think anyone expected me to leave, especially after everything that has happened.

"Wait, why are you leaving?" Yuno asked.

"I'm going to set up another shop in another city with Yohan and come back after a few months" I replied.

"Why do you have to take Yohan? Why don't you take me with you?" Aoi started to pout, making me laugh.

"I just need a break from all of this. I promise I'll be back as soon as possible, don't worry." I responded.

"Make sure to look after yourself well. We don't want to see you again being all sad and panicked!" Yuno pinched my cheek, making me slap his hand away from me.

"That hurt man!" I shouted at him.

We spent the rest of the day reminiscing about the past. We talked about how different we were when we were younger. I was honestly surprised with Yuno's past. He apparently used to be apart of some sort of gang and that's how he became good at fighting. I've never seen hin have to use it. Aoi and Yui saw when they met each other at his company.

Also, I found out that his company isn't actually his. It's his family's company which he has to look after since he's the oldest and most mature. Aoi started to get angry about the fact he wasn't chosen to be the boss of the company. Honestly, I can't imagine Aoi as ten boss of Yui's company. It seems strange.

But I soon will.

I made Aoi head of looking after the company since he has a lot of experience now. Yuno manages the financial parts of the business since Aoi is really bad at that. I hope I can trust them well with this business.

"I better not see a broken and destroyed café after I come back!" I shouted.

"Yes Ma'am!" Yuno and Aoi shouted back.

We all laughed. The night was getting darker. It was getting close to the time I wish that would never come. I tried to prolong the time we spent together but I knew eventually it would happen.

You may wonder "Why don't you cancel you ticket?" Well, it's already been too long for me to cancel. The deadline for cancellation has already passed. I probably didn't realise due to everything going on here. I had so much on my mind that I probably forgot.

It was time for everyone to leave.

The one time I wished that they could stay with me. I knew I couldn't take them with me or else I wouldn't be able to fully calm myself. They all waved goodbye before I went to sleep.

I'll miss you all...

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