Season 2 - Chapter Three

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Chapter 3:

Me and Aoi continued to walk behind this "Yuzu" We all knew what was going to happen. We went to the place. It was dark and foggy.


Yuzu's POV:

I finally got out of the toilet. I saw that a box was covering my way. Why would this happen? Why would someone try to block my way of getting out of the toilet? No way, it can't be her-

I walked out of the toilet, rushing towards the table. I'm so late! I'm so late! Probably Yuno will be angry at me. I need to tell him that I'm l-

Where's Yuno? I looked towards our table. Where is he? Maybe he also had to go to the toilet as well? I wouldn't be surprised. There was an unfamiliar yet familiar boy who was waiting at my table. Who's he? I walked up to him, confused. He seemed to be waiting for someone. He seemed to be waiting for me...

"Excuse me, did you see a man near here?" I asked the mysterious person.

"You mean Yuno? He said he had urgent work to do and he left." His voice lingered in my head.

That voice. I've heard it before. This guy, I know him somehow. Who is he? I know I've seen him before. That voice. It's recognisable. Flashbacks from old memories came to me. Where is-

"It's business between me and Aoi. You shouldn't be interfe-"

That boy... what was his name? I could see him slowly walking away from me. What was his name? Brain, stop thinking about Misty for now. Please work on figuring out who he is? What was his name? Brain, please work!


That's his name! That was the guy who wanted to hurt Aoi! Angrily, I shouted at him. I should have known he would have done this. He probably want revenge from what happened before when we were in the dark. We should have arrested them before this happened. Stupid me!

Uncontrollably, I shouted "ELLIOT! WHERE ARE THEY?"

"I see you recognised me. Sad you're a bit to late to save them." He smirked at me.

"I SAID, WHERE ARE THEY?" I grabbed him by the collar, looking straight into his eyes.

"Somewhere." He responded.

"TELL ME OR ELSE-" I could feel myself start to panic.

"What could you possibly do to us? You've already hurt our boss enough!" He shouted, his voice full of sorrow.

"Who's your boss? How could I, a regular human who can't hurt a fly, manage to hurt this boss of yours that I have no idea." I let go of him.

"Easy. You gave him a pain that he couldn't heal." I looked at him confused.

"What? What pain isn't cure-able that I could give? I don't even think that's possible. Are you lying to me?" He looked at the floor. What is going on?

Tears in his eyes, he said "Rejection. Rejection was the pain you gave"

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