Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7:

-The Next Day-

Yuzu's POV:

I woke up this morning feeling heavier than usual. I opened my eyes to see Misty, tip toeing around my body. She doesn't usually do this, unless-

I quickly changed and ran downstairs. The café was brimming with customers, I had waiters and cashiers working for me. I had my perfect dream, laying right in front of me!

"Good Morning Manager, how are you?" Aoi said with a bright smile on his face.

That was unexpected. Did he just say manager? This is SOOOO cool!!!!

"I'm very fine, thank you. How are you?" I responded.

"I'm pretty good. Also, Yuno said you have to meet him at 6:00 for an important meeting." He said.

"Thank you-" I said before a cup of coffee fell on me.

"I'm so sorry Ma'am, I-I mean Manager..." The girl stuttered, worried.

I responded, hoping it would ease her heart a bit "It's okay, we all make mistakes"

"Here's a tissue. You should change your clothes since it's dirty." He said while handing me a tissue.

"Thank you and I'm fine I don't need to change, well since you're being so nice, let me treat you out." I asked.

"No need. It's my duty to be good to my manager." He answered.

"Just come, it will be fun!" I said, gesturing him to come.

"Fine" He said while laughing.

Akoya's POV:

And then I saw her take him away. I wanted to grab his and and pull him to me. After all, I've had a crush on him since we were kids. I suddenly jumped out of my thoughts by his voice.

"Akoya... Why are you holding my hand... Akoya, are you crying?" He asked, sincerely worried.

"S-stay with m-me...p-please..." I stuttered.

"Yuzu, I'll go another time, I have to look after her." He quickly said.

"Sure, that's okay. Akoya, make sure to take care of yourself well. I'll leave now, byeeee!" She stated.

And then she left. What a relief! I must admit she is a lovely person and I don't want to hate on her, but, if she's going to take my man, I guess we're enemies. I don't think that she likes him anyways.

Yuzu's POV:

I walked out of the café. I wonder what happened to her, she seemed so sad and lonely. Anyways, I have to meet Yuno. I don't know why but I'm kinda looking forward to it. YAH WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!? He literally made you a suspect of something you didn't do! Ugh, so annoying. I made it to the restaurant, peering around if I could see him.
I finally spotted him and walked over to his table to sit down.

"How- wait, first what can I call you?" Cutting himself off.

"Did you just interrupt yourself?" I said while giggling.

"Hey! It's not that funny." He responded.

"Fine, okay. What names do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Umm.... you have to choose one out of the four, okay?" He stated, making me curious. I nodded in response.

"Kitty, Moonie Chan, Yui or Honey?" He asked.

"None" I replied.

"Pleawse? okay I'll call you Chibi then." He said. I sighed in response.

"Back to the actual point, we have a case." He said, making me shiver.

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