Chapter Fourteen - Part 2

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Chapter 14 - Part 2:
A Shock.

Yohan's POV:

We rushed him to the hospital. What happened? Why did he faint? I had so many questions.

And why was Jiwoo like that? I have never seen her like that. She honestly scared me. It was like she became her alter ego. She was the complete opposite of herself. I was seriously confused about what happened.

The doctor came out of the room. He looked liek he was stressed out. He started to drink some water. After he finished drinking his water, I ran towards him to ask about Aoi's health.

"Is he okay?" I asked impatiently.

"He's okay, he just fainted after a shock..." The doctor replied. I feel like I've seen this man before. Maybe it's just my brain being stressed out...

Curious on how he got a shock, I asked "What did he get a shock from?" The doctor ended up whispering it into my ear, which I was confused by. Certainly you can just say it out loud.

Apparently, it was due to over-stressing. He needs to look after himself better. I hope I can help him in the future to relieve his stress.

"When can he get discharged?" I asked.

"Soon..." He smirked at me before leaving to the another ward. Why did he do that? He must know me somehow... Our paths must have crossed.

While I was waiting, I decided to call Yuzu to tell her the news. She seemed really distressed over the phone. It makes sense. They're good friends. I told her not to worry. Poor her. I can't do anything to help her until she gets here.

Aoi's condition was slowly getting better. He was awake for a moment but they said that he had to get some rest before he could be discharged. Aoi also seemed to recognise the doctor. Even though I couldn't hear, I could see that Aoi and the doctor were having a chat. From what it looked like, they know each other from before. Interesting... Maybe we're all connected somehow...

Yuzu's POV:

Yohan called me which was very unexpected. I picked up the phone cheerfully only to find out Aoi fainted. He said that he'll look after him while we aren't there and to come as soon as possible. He also said not to worry too much as his health is getting better now.

I could feel my face turn from a smile to a frown in an instant. Lucas stared at me, confused. Yuno noticed my upset face and tapped me on the back.

"What happened Yuzu?" He whispered to me as we were still getting some evidence.

"Aoi fainted." I said coldly with a straight face.

"WHAT! You're joking, right? How could that happen?" Yuno laughed, thinking I was joking or that it was a prank.

"No, it isn't. Let's go. Now." I demanded. Although I knew I was being irrational, I had to check up on Aoi. He nodded his head in response to me. He, for once, looked worried.

"Lucas, come with us!" He shouted. Lucas reluctantly started to move his feet towards us.

I just hope nothing happens to Aoi...

Midnight Café  |✔️|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें