Season 2 - Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8:

I turned around, hoping to see where the voice was from. And then I saw her again.

In the midst of the darkness, Elliot, Jiwoo, Akoya and a person wearing a black coat were standing there. They looked really angry which scared me. What is going on?

"Yui, let us serve them our food. For starters, it's heartbreak!" Jiwoo shouted.

What do they mean? Yui looked as confused as I did. They came running towards us. Each of them was holding a knife. Wait, are they planning on killing us? I'm confused.

Luckily, Yui got his guards to deal with them. So much for an intense fighting scene. That was very anti-climatic. I was expecting someone to get injured or something like that. Well, at least no one got hurt. We left the building and started to walk back to café. I must say, it was a long journey. After a few hours, we finally made it there. We all ended up sitting down on the seating area. Our feet ached.

"Next time, just come here Yui..." Yuno said while in pain.

"Sure! I will come here." Yui looked at the decorations of the place. "You sure have done well with the decorating, it looks so nice!" I laughed at his reaction.

Yohan came in with food. It smell so nice. I could feel myself drooling at the scent of it. The delicious smell wafted around the room. I looked inside the container it was in. NOODLES! I LOVE NOODLES!

I instantly stood up to get a bowl. I could hear everyone laughing at me. What are they laughing at?

"Yuzu... look at you..." Yuno couldn't finish his sentence because of his laughter.

"What about me?" I asked, frustrated.

"Your face..." Aoi started to laugh as well.

I felt my face. I had drool dripping from it. Ewww! I went to quickly wipe it from my face. Embarrassed, I hid my face with a tissue. How did I not realise?

"Hey Yuzu, can I have a drink?" Yui looked outside the window.

"What would you like to order, Yui?" I asked.

"Revenge" He replied.

"Wait wot?" I responded, confused.

"I'm just joking! I don't want revenge anymore. Can I just have a Mocha?" He looked at me, innocently.

"Sure!" I went over to make his drink.

Life seems so perfect now. There's no problems. I don't feel stressed out anymore. I have my friends I can rely on. My café is doing well. For once, my life seems good. I actually feel happy with my life. I wished I could last in this moment forever.

But sadly, I had to go.

Before this, I was only planning to stay for a few months since I was planning to open another shop in another city. And then, after a couple of months, I would come back. I guess now is the best time to tell them the news. Taking a deep breath, I started to speak.

I started "I have something to tell you, all of you..."

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