Jay Tilly is Dead

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"Tonight, we have more information on the tragic accident of the luxury boat that was believed to be owned by Jay Tilly. The boat, which was marooned off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula on a small island, was discovered yesterday by another ship and reported to authorities."

"The remains have indeed been identified as Jay Tilly. In shallow graves on the island were some of the bodies of what is presumed to be his entourage, which appeared to have been buried about a month or so prior."

"Jay Tilly, once a Hollywood superstar, has had a controversial and erratic past year. Following a series of box office bombs, failed business endeavors, and public feuds with former friends, he showed a variety of behavior many found concerning, with worries about his mental health being voiced."

"In May, Tilly, after a three month hiatus from the public, announced he was buying a five million dollar beachfront house in Yucatan, with many questioning how the struggling star was able to afford such a property. He began posting booze-infused videos to his social media at his new mansion, with a fresh set of party animal companions, including amateur actress Sarah Long. He then boasted of the purchase of a luxury yacht, and plans to take it on a wild island-hopping vacation. He swore his adventure would be 'movie material' for its crazy antics."

"But, Tilly's journey ended tragically. While authorities have yet to determine exactly what happened, they have found what appears to be a journal kept by Tilly. They hope that his words can shine some light on this terrible incident."

"As updates come, we will be the first to report them. This has been Veronica Starr with Hush News."

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