texto One Direction

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Olaa, não sei se alguma vez vos mostrei o texto com que participei já há uns meses no 1D Book, da One Direction Portugal. O texto foi selecionado para entrar, e disseram-me que o meu foi dos melhores (tp omfg). Caso nunca tenham visto aqui está:

« The only thing I want to say is thank you guys for making me strong. My friends  always say that I have to change my mind because I will never have any kind of moments with you, but I think that one thing that would probably happen if I saw you is a heart attack ahahah. There are a lot of little things that I love about you and there are these that stole my heart,make me stand up and feel aliveRight nowI wish I could make one of my midnight memories by dancing with you at the sound of the best song ever and then I just  kiss you  and you say "can I be your last first kiss?" like you was my first  Summer love. But now I know that it's gotta be you that I always love more than this, and you may not know me but you will always going to be a big part of the story of my life and something great in half a heart of me.

  By the way, I know that in the future it will be a day I will want to live all over again the years I live while we (we)re young and you're going to still the one that rock me.

  Thank you very much for being YOU and making me a Directioner for life! »

Pode ter erros, mas acho que quando foi para o livro eles os corrigiram. Espero que algum dia o livro seja entregue... 

Espero que tenham gostado (:

lysm, Joanaaa 

ps- mudei o user, gostam?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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