Percy dreams about waffles

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'Hello, Mortals. I am Zeus, king of the gods, and the people behind me are the Olympians, and a few others.' The chatter stopped pretty abruptly, and several people pulled out their phones. The Olympians? What were they doing here? 'I'm sure you're all wondering what we're doing here.' Well duh. 'It is because I and the other Olympians have decided to retire. And the future king of the gods is here today. Would the son of Poseidon like to come up to the stage please?'


'I said, would the son of Poseidon like to come up to the stage please?'

Nothing. Until a man wearing a tie-dye t-shirt and shorts stepped up beside Zeus.

'Brother, I think he's asleep.'


I was having a very nice dream about mom's blue cookies when something zapped me. I was sitting there, about to tuck into a mile-high stack of the things, when sparks ran up and down my body.

'Five more minutes, Thals.' I murmured, rolling over.

'Percy. Wake up or my huntresses spell your name on your backside in arrows.'

I pretty much leapt clean out of my seat at that.

'Artemis! What are you doing here? I thought I was supposed to be keeping it on the down-low. That doesn't exactly-' I froze. Partly because everyone in the room was staring at me, partly because included in that everybody was the entire Olympian council, along with Hades and Hestia. Dylan was gaping at me like I'd turned blue. Ooh, blue. That reminded me of my dream. And the cookies. I wanted cookies. I wondered if Mom would-

Artemis sighed, grabbed my arm, and frog-marched me right up on to the stage in front of the Olympians. I hesitantly lowered myself onto one knee before them.

'Perseus Jackson. Do you accept the honor of becoming the next king of the gods?' Zeus boomed, grand as ever. Gods, he was such a drama queen. Jason told me about this one time-Wait what?

Relax and accept, Percy. All will be ok.

I stiffened until I realized the voice in my head was Hestia. I trusted her with my life. But become the King of the gods? Leave all my family behind? I couldn't just-

Annabeth will be on the council too.

Oh. OK.

'I accept, Lord Zeus.' He smiled, nodding to the rest of the Olympians. They surrounded me, and each held out their right palm towards me What happened next was the second most painful experience of my entire life. It felt rather similar to my little paddle in the Styx as if my essence was being stripped away until all that remained was my very core. I rose off my knee, off the floor entirely as I turned to face the awestruck audience. My clothes had transformed into silvery armor, and to my utter horror, I was also sporting a sapphire studded crown and sea-green cape! ( leave the superman outfit to Jason for Zeus's sake) Oh, and I was glowing. Did I forget to mention that?

I let out a sigh as my toes touched the hardwood of the stone floor. The armor was surprisingly light and flexible and seemed molded to my body shape.

'Now what?' I directed the question at my father.

'Now you sit on your throne.' Poseidon indicated the slightly bigger throne at the back of the semicircle. Dam. They were really taking this King business seriously. I shrugged and sat down. Almost immediately, a sea breeze filled the room, and the throne glowed. seashells popped up all over its surface, and the seat and backrest became slightly padded, as though covered by a velvet cushion. I grinned, then remembered something.

'Wait! I'm not the only demigod - well now god I guess - here!' There was a pause.

'Yes, you are.' Athena said blankly.

'No.' I replied, an evil grin forming on my face. 'She told me herself. I was telling her I couldn't go out with her because I was already with a certain blonde beauty, and she said... what was it...oh, yes. 'Even if this imaginary girlfriend did exist, she wouldn't be a daughter of Aphrodite like me. '' I finally met Samantha's eyes in the crowd. She looked white as a sheet. It was mean, sure, but she kinda deserved this. The number of times I'd caught her backhanding her minions because they hadn't gotten her the right water, or hooked up with a guy she liked or wore something prettier than whatever Samantha had on that day. 'Isn't that right, Samantha?'

'WHO IS THIS SAMANTHA?!?' Aphrodite shrieked, flying down into the audience. Everyone around Samantha not-so-subtly leaned away, making it painfully easy for the love goddess to identify the offender.

'So,' she hissed, her voice scarily soft. 'Not only did you attempt to split up Percabeth, the OTP of all OTPs, but you used MY legacy to do so.' The girl gave a frightened half-nod, Aphrodite let out an infuriated scream, and the pair vanished. Chaos knows how Aphrodite punishes people. Makes them watch romcoms on loop most likely. JK. My great aunt can be BRUTAL when she needs to be. You do not want to get on her bad side. Look what happened to Psyche.


'What now?' I asked the Olympians.

'Twelve empty thrones, son. We should probably fill them, don't you think?' Dad asked.

'That we should.' I said, relaxing back into my new throne. Boy, did we have our work cut out for us. But I had an inkling of where we should go next.

Whaddaya think? Yeah I know it's a bit cliche, but I really wanted to do this particular one. Don't hate me.

 Don't hate me

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