Part 2

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So here the deal. 

The Avicen are from the girl at midnight series as are most of the characters in the chapter. Avicen are somewhat like humans except they have feathers instead of hair like birds. So are their eyes and Echo has been living with them since she was 7 when the Ala found her in the library.

The Ala is know the one who looks after all of them.

Ivy and Rowan have been her friends since the day she came. And Echo became a thief since she was around the same age for whatever reasons.

Also there are drakharin who are also like humans but have some scales on their faces and stuff, like freckles you could say. The avicen and drakharin have lived there since before humans and now live in hiding. 

Caius is a Drakharin.


Enjoy :)


Echo was already late as it was and running into that girl didn't help in the slightest. 

She had been on her way from stealing, yet another, gift for the Ala. Maybe that will make up for her being late. Maybe. Hopefully.

She halts to a stop near a darkened alley and takes a moment to breathe. After catching her breath, she reaches into the pocket of her leather jacket to pull out her bag of shadow dust. She then reaches the door at the far wall of the alley and smears some on the door.

Taking a breath, she thinks of her location and steps in. 


Echo has taken not more than a step through the door to the nest before she is herded by a screaming group of little Avicen kids. As always. They each try to scream louder for a chance for her too hear her and its just too cute for her to handle.

"Alright. Alright. Stop. I got your candy so stop your yowling for heavens sake." She reaches into her bag where she had put the bag of candy she got- stole them really- and tossed them into the little clutter of feathered heads.

They then took of screaming with excitement. She chuckled. She loved these little guys. 

They had finally started living back in the nest-underneath the subway in NYC. A year after the entire firebird-which she was-and Kucedra incident and honestly she had never been able to rest properly in Avalon where they had stayed until the nest had been patched up. 

The moment everyone  started living back in the nest she had went back to her room in the library, hidden thanks to the spell Ala had installed there. 

Only then did she cry. For Caius. 

Only then did it hit her she may never even see him again. That was until a few weeks later, when she had gotten a call. She didn't know who it was until they left a message. 

She had stared at it for a full minute before she grabbed her shadow dust and ran. All the way to the  outside of the Oracles cave, hidden in the woods. To him. 

She had taken one look at his green eyes and launched herself at him, wrapping her hads around his neck. And cried. All the while he said nothing and just held her there, beside the waterfall. He only said three words that made her cry even harder.

"I missed you."

 That had been months ago. And Echo had tried her best not to tell anyone that Caius was still alive, only because he told her to keep it a secret. She didn't argue even if she was being selfish. But she visited him where he was staying at a cabin on the beach. And he sometimes managed to sneak into her room too.

She smiled at the memory of him doing so for the first time, and what they had spent doing hours after, but was pulled from her thoughts when she heard Ivy call her name. 

She looked up to her coming towards her, a basket full of herbs in her hands. Her dove white weathers covered in dirt somehow.

 But she said,"Evening my sister from another mister. Did you miss me?"

"Oh please. Don't be so full of yourself. I only came Because Ala told me to come get you. She wants you to stuff something in your mouth that isn't stolen."

She chuckled. Its true. The only thing she ate was a stolen burrito since the morning and after where she had just been, what she did......Yeah she was hungry.

"Tell Ala that it's partially her fault for letting me run around and become a little thief. And not even stopping me,"she said, smiling.

Ivy simply rolled her eyes, looped her arm through mine and led me towards where Ala was.

"I don't mind if you're a thief as long as you get me more tiaras."She winked.

Echo just laughed.


Hours later, Echo lay in her bed reading before her phone buzzed. She fished it out of her bag and halted.

Then groaned as she smacked her forehead multiple times. She looked at the phone. She had likely swapped it when she and the girl had been rushing to pick up their things. Somehow.

Fantastic. Fucking Fantastic. Just what she needed. These sort of mix ups always led to a mess she wasn't willing to deal with.

She looked at the screen  and read the message. The girl must have managed to unlock her phone and send her a message through it. Not bad.

She read the message she had sent and considered,

"Meet me at Starbucks tmr at 10. I'll get you a drink too while we're at it."

Echo smiled. A free drink at Starbucks. Now we're talking.

She set the phone down on her bedside table. She usually wouldn't bother but.....She hadn't been to Starbucks for weeks and mostly stole the drinks-sometimes. Probably greedy but the girl seemed nice enough. She'll give the phone back and hers since she has more pictures of Caius which she didn't want to lose.

Still smiling, Echo laid back down and closed her eyes. 

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