Part 23

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She thought the Inner Cirlce were the craziest bunch she ever met. 

Oh, how they all proved them wrong. 

It started in the morning at breakfast. Where they all might as well have started a shouting match over so many things she half forgot what they were even fighting about to begin with. 

Then training. Her first observation made her not want to get into a fight with any of them. They moved with such speed she had a hard time keeping up with their movements. Even Cassian had watched in awe. Then challenge. Their movements were graceful, as if every step was muscle memory, techniques the likes of which she never even thought or heard of.

Only Yrene, Pearl and Ava stayed back. Which was understood. Though when someone asked Ava why not her, she said,

"I'm a healer," then looking at weapons stacked against the wall, her amethyst eyes growing dark, "But I don't need weapons to kill anyway."

Whatever had caused a healer to have to kill, she didn't want to find out. As well as whatever manner she had done it in. Most possibly her powers but what had it done? She kept the question to herself.

She managed to ask Nesryn a question though. She had to admit, the female didn't let her fight with Rhys affect her in any other way. Other than her outright ignoring him in all possible ways. But she had still asked when they were alone, walking down the hall.

She only shook her head. "I don't want our fight getting in the way with the two of you."

Feyre cocked her head to the side. "Was it truly that bad?" Part of her was truly curious. What could have happened that was so bad she had to leave in the worst way? And something that had Rhys so.....irked about. 

She must have read something on her face, for she said, "It happened long before I ever left. There's a lot of things you don't know about us Feyre." She then considered. "Including every single ridiculous story about Rhys and all the shit he's done." She grinned, "Find me and Aelin sometime and we'll tell you all about it."

She couldn't help but grin back. But then-

"How does Aelin know though?"

"Like I said, there's a lot. Though seemingly it's not my place to say." She had to give to her though. She didn't let one relation affect another. Feyre found herself engaging in conversation after conversation with her for the better part of the day. By the time the sin was setting, they were laughing themsleves hoarse. 

Seated in the palace gardens, she leaned back in her seat the same moment Nesryn's eyes flitted to her hand. Her ring. No. Rhys's mother's ring. Which meant-

"It's fine," Nesryn said, waving her off. "You can keep it."

"You don't?" she asked.

She shook her head. "I'd rather you have it. I have plenty of heirlooms from my mother." Feyre realized something with those words. Rhys had said both his sister and mother had died. If his sister was here then his mother- "She's alright." She looked up to see Nesryn give her a knowing smile. "She's not here but mom and dad are both alright."

She knew enough by now to know not here meant not this world. "Does Rhys know?" She nodded. Feyre sighed. Nesryn chuckled, drawing her knee's up to her chest, resting her chin atop, her feet resting on the end of her chair. "Truly what happened?" She shouldn't pry. But she couldn't help herself. She wanted to know what had led to.....this.

She sighed and leaned back in her chair, knees still drawn up, but lifted her head. "Like I said, I don't want to ruin anything for the two of you but," she bit her lip. "It was a long time ago. After a war you do not want to hear about. Everything went to shit. Our friend got....she was taken. No one saw it coming. In the end we were all just either devasted or mad." She played with buckle of her boots. "He took his anger out on me."

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