Chapter Nine: Let me see your face

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(Y/N) stared out the wooden window of the bedroom, listening to Erik play his flute from another end of his home. (Y/N) was slightly startled by this because he started playing without warning. Grabbing a candelabra, she went to find Erik. Down a corridor, the playing grew louder. She opened the door to reveal a piano, masks and Erik playing the flute. Erik wasn't wearing his full attire. He had his suit coat off leaving him in his white sailor-like shirt, cream waistcoat and white tie. The room looked like a mix between a study and a cottage in a way. Hearing (Y/N) walk in, Erik stopped playing and put his mask back on.

"Good morning!" Erik said tying the small ribbons that held his mask on, "did you sleep well?" (Y/N) didn't respond, "I like that room. Good cosy bed, pleasant water view. Well, what shall we do today? Hm? I have an idea. How about a picnic?"

"A picnic?" (Y/N) giggled.

"Yes! Down through the woods there's a quiet little spot I know. We won't be interrupted there and while we stroll, I can show you where I live, my domain," Erik picked up a small, straw hat as (Y/N) put down the candelabra, "hat, do you think? Formal touch? Hm?" He put it on, "yes, I think so too. And, of course, a walking cane and to complete out little outing," he tapped a picnic basket with his cane before picking it up, "voila!"

Erik walked up to (Y/N) and offered his arm, "shall we go?"

They linked arms and (Y/N) took her dress up a bit. The doors to another part of Erik's home opened themselves and Erik led her to the woods he mentioned not too far away from the room. This part of his home Erik was really proud of.

"Do you like these woods of mine?" Erik asked.

"Yes, very much," (Y/N) replied.

"They stretch on almost forever. Come, there's a path over here. One can get hopefully lost in these woods if one does not know the path," he stopped a second to look at her, "or have a guide who does."

They continued their walk while Erik told a story, "once upon a time, before I planted all this, there were only endless dreary vaults in this land, gloomy barrel, coral doors, wilderness of stone, no life at all. No love," Erik looked at her, "no love and kindness. Are you warm enough?"


Erik went to continue but stopped, shushing her, "morning birds! Pheasant too, I hear," Erik continued walking, "and Deer. Squirrels, foxes, rabbits all playing most harmoniously, like this magic music."

The animals Erik was talking about were stuffed. No doubt props he found to help fill his little woods to make it seem less empty.

He turned to (Y/N) again, "you are magic too, I think."

"No, no, I don't think that."

"Oh, yes, you are," Erik told her, "I know. Magic is my friend. Magic cannot hide from me," their walk continued, "you belong here. Do you like this music?"

"Yes, yes, very much!"

"Do you know why?" (Y/N) shrugged, "because it helps to keep shape to our dreams. In fact, I call this domain my dreamery. Do you find that apt?"


"Apt to what?"

"Well, apt... to what you wish?"

Erik nodded, "exactly so," he continued walking, "come! We'll set out picnic... here."

Erik started setting everything up starting with a green kilt blanket and told (Y/N) to have a seat. She didn't just that and Erik did too and took his hat off.

"Of all the places in my realm, this is the most enchanted spot, I think," Erik continued to set up the picnic and asked, "would you sing for me?"

(A/N: SING FOR ME! I'll leave now...)

"If you wish," (Y/N) said.

"Oh... I do? Very much!"

Erik noticed that (Y/N) wasn't singing and that made him stop for a second, "I'm sorry. Is there something wrong?"

"If I sing for you, will-will you grant me a favour?"

"No," Erik answered simply continuing with the picnic.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because you must sing for love and joy, not for gain. I will grant you a favour regardless of what you do. Tell me what it is you wish."

Let me see your face."

He stopped. Of all things. Erik had a feeling she'd ask him to do this one day but he wasn't expecting it to be so soon. He looked at her and she looked back, both silent.

"You have asked, I'm afraid, the only thing in my power that I cannot grant," he told her, "please don't ask it again."

"I have seen your eyes, and I know your heart," (Y/N) told him, "why not let me know your face as well?"

"Because... I have no face," Erik told her truthfully, "I have... only resemblance of a face and... no one should have to look at it."

"Oh, but I can look at it-"

"No, stop!"

"No, I could!"

"I ask you please to... stop."

Another moment of silence.

"Only if you say you do not love me, will I stop," she told him.

Oh, dear... Erik could never say that, he loved her too much to say that.

Trying to avoid the situation, "I feel a chill descending. I think we ought to go. It... feels like rain."

Smooth, Erik. Smooth. Erik went to pack up the picnic when (Y/N) stopped him.

"Maestro, please! You have given me so much."

"You don't know what you're asking."

"Yes, I do! If you love me, please let me love you too," Erik tried to continue packing but, "no, don't do that! I know your face can be looked at by someone who loves you. Please let me show you it's true."

"Oh, (Y/N)... this time with you... is the... is the nearest I have ever been to bliss. A-and I'm... satisfied with that."

"Oh, but there's more!"

"I'm sure, but not for me."

"I ask nothing that has not already been done. Your mother saw your face and smiled."

That got Erik's interest. How did she know that?

"If love could let her gaze at you and smile, could it not do the same for me?"

How (Y/N) knew his mother was out of his mind now. Could love let her look at his face? It was worth a try. Putting down the drink he was holding, he reached for the back of his mask and untied the small ribbons and untucking them from behind his ears. With one hand he held his mask, hesitating but, with a shaky hand, removed it for (Y/N) to see what hid behind the mask. What she saw was indescribable. But, whatever she saw made her faint leaving Erik heartbroken. Sad and angry, he started to cry and went to another part of his domain to express his anger.

(A/N: AH! I might cry again 😭. See ya folks)

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