Chapter 1 - Join Me

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"You come from nothing. You're nothing."

I try to take a breath, and I start to think. The warm tears running down my cheeks create trails through my ash covered face. I realize how right he is. Why, out of all people in the galaxy, was I chosen for this battle? A lowly scavenger from Jakku, with no parents, no home, and nobody that cares for her, doesn't deserve a lightsaber, or the power of the Force. I've been unwanted for my entire life. Looking up at Ben, he starts to shake his head, like he knows what I'm thinking.

"But not to me. Join me."

His hand extends out towards me. Ben wants me to join him. No one has ever wanted me before. Since I was forced into slavery, everything that has happened to me, has been by chance. I look at his gloved hand and I feel the conflict growing inside of me.

You can't join him, that goes against everything you've fought for!

But I didn't want to join this fight. Not once has anyone asked me how I feel or if I even want to be a part of this. I've been thrown into fights like a pawn, with no training, or help. Even Luke Skywalker, the infamous Jedi Master, turned his back on me because I wasn't good enough. All my anger and confusion bubbles up inside of me, and I feel like I might explode.

Don't do it, just say no and go help your friends.

Turning away, my mind made up, I go to leave the throne room and help the Resistance. I can't turn my back on them, no matter how I've been treated. I have to do the right thing. I have to. I know he won't kill me, even after I deny him. But I hear Ben say something, and one word topples all of my will to leave.


My body freezes, and turns back to face him. For the first time since I met him, his face doesn't show an inner battle. His mind seems clear and cool. The aggressive energy that has always surrounded him, is calm. His eyes show that right now, there is one thing that he wants. I realize that it's me. Someone actually wants me, not just as a fighter, or a slave, but as a person.

"Please, Rey."

Just like that, I make my decision. I reach my hand out, and hold his. Instantly, I feel a connection, just like the one that I felt on Ahch-To when we touched. I feel his calm energy wash over me, and I know that this is the right decision. This is what it is supposed to feel like when someone actually wants you. Peace. No more trying to find a connection in everyone I meet. The small part of me that was against this, is pushed to the back of my head. My body and mind relax.

His face is a little surprised at first, but I can see a small smile forming on his lips. It's a smile that confirms I was right, that this was worth it, and that I'm meant to be here, with Ben.

Hi readers! Thank you so much for giving this story a chance. This will probably be the shortest chapter in this story, as its just a retelling of a movie scene. For this chapter, I suggest the song Lonely Heart by 5 Seconds of Summer and listening to it from Ben's point of view. Once again, thank you for reading, and please favorite if you enjoyed!!

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