Chapter 2 - Interrupted

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"Focus, Rey."

Ben is walking in circles all around me. We're in the training room on Ben's ship, the Finalizer. It's been a few weeks since I took his hand, and the training hasn't become any easier. He's been teaching me new fighting techniques to use with a lightsaber, and different ways to utilize the force. It's strange, though. I expected the first thing I would learn would be how to choke someone, but it's mostly been the same as Master Luke's teachings. Lots of meditating.

"Rey, you aren't focusing. I can hear your thoughts. Clear your mind."

I open my eyelids the tiniest bit to sneak a peek at my master. He's leaning against one of the bland, gray walls, with a scowl on his face. Next to him is a stand full of training rods that we use for practice. If we had been using lightsabers during practice, I probably would be missing all my limbs. The cold room causes me to shiver. I quickly shut my eyes again so he doesn't notice that I was looking at him.

"I saw that."

Damn it. He notices almost everything. It's hard to do anything without him knowing. My eyes open and begin to get adjusted to the bright lights. The entire ship is dark colors, and the bright lights cause a stark contrast. My joints ache from sitting for so long. Standing up slowly, I start to stretch out to ease the discomfort. I notice Ben staring at me from across the room. When he sees me looking, he quickly looks away and starts to straighten up. I feel my face grow warm as I blush.

"This is so difficult for me, Master Ren." My voice sounds tired as I throw my hands up in the air, "I don't know if I'll ever be able to do this." I head towards the water supply on the opposite wall of Ben. Somehow, sitting all morning doing nothing still makes me exhausted.

"Rey, you aren't focusing enough. You're always being distracted by something," his voice raises, "if you don't work to build your walls up, anyo-"

He gets interrupted by an officer busting into the room. We both abruptly turn towards the door. This guy looks like he just ran 10 klicks. His face is covered in sweat and some of it drops to the glossy floor as he does a quick bow towards Ben and starts to deliver the message he's meant to. This interruption isn't going to go over well with my master.

"Supreme Leader, you are needed in the command bridge. General Hux has requested your presence. He says it is very urgent." He spits it out quickly, while I survey the anger rising in Ben's face. For the sake of the officer, I hope Ben can stay calm, but I know there is a slim chance of that.

"Why do you think you can charge into this private training room without asking for permission?" His voice is calm, but his fists start to tighten inside his black leather gloves. "This is a time where I am not to be disturbed."

As rude as the intrusion is, I feel bad for the officer. Luckily, I haven't been on the receiving end of one of Ben's tantrums yet, but I have seen a few. My face turns sympathetic, but the officer doesn't look my way.

"Sir, I am very sorry, but General Hux told me to find you and bring you to the bridge immediately." It looks like he's starting to tremble.

Ben gives him a look that could kill, but is able to hold himself together. "Alright, Rey, training is over for today. Follow me and this officer to the command bridge, where we will hear what is so urgent." His stretches out his fingers from the fists they had been in.

Quickly, I try to make myself look presentable for the bridge. I'm still considered a nuisance to all the commanding officers, especially to General Hux. Showing up in front of all the officials while poorly dressed won't help my reputation. With my black tank top straightened out, and my crease-free gray leggings, I follow Ben and the officer out of the door and we make our way up to the command bridge.

As soon as we arrive, Hux gives me a look of disgust. Since I joined the First Order, he has hated me with a passion. Other than blowing up his biggest toy, I don't know why he hates me. Thanks to him, I'm now regarded among most of the ship as an annoyance.

"What, Hux, is so important that you drew me away from training my apprentice?" Ben's face has a nasty look on it, and I knew that my distaste for Hux was shared.

Hux, used to this attitude, pulled himself together and announced, "Supreme Leader, we have just received a message from the Unknown Regions. We are still working to trace it's exact source, but so far haven't had any progress. The message states that Emperor Palpatine has returned."

Hello again! Thank you for reading the second chapter, its starting to get exciting I hope! No song for this one, sorry :( I'm hoping to write the next chapter from Kylo/Ben's pov, but he's a more complex character and therefore harder to write. If you enjoyed, please favorite!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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