"So Mr Jordan-johnson I believe that you have take a decision" he said looking straight into my eyes like he was reading my soul.

"Yeah. I have decided to come back on the case" I told him.

"what inspired your decision to come back." he asked me .

"I was brought in from interpol to fulfill a duty and regardless of how I feel I will always do my job to absolutely full capacity" I told him.

"Well Mr Jordan-Johnson welcome back to the NYPD, I take it you still remember your office" he asked me.

I thanked him and made my way to my office and began getting back to work.

"Edward can I get files from 2 years ago on drug related cases and anything on Tyler Raymond" I hung up the phone.

After going through all the files that I had requested there was no mention of Tyler being involved with drugs or anything illegal.

The only illegal charge against him was assault but those charges were dropped. After three hours of trying to fund evidence I was drained and exhausted.

"Hey how's it going" Demetrius asked entering my office. "I am going through case files and there is nothing on Tyler"I tell him frustrated.

"the only thing we have is that testimony from that guy who claimed that Tyler is the kingpin and even that's not enough" I continued telling him.

"Well me and Ramonna had actually had a plan on how to get him" he told me.

"oh tell me more" I asked him. He walked over to the couches that were in my office and told me to take a seat. I followed suit and sat down next to him.

"So our plan was that you go and use your history with Tyler Raymond to get close to him." he said looking at me.

"whatchu mean get close to him".

"Well we were thinking that you could get into a relationship, a fake relationship and lure him to you make him remember how it felt to be in love. Then you start to get closer and make him trust you until he spills everything about his other business." he told me .

"Demetrius it's a great plan but why me cant we use someone who he is affiliated with" I aksed him.

"Tyler doesnt have that many friends and even the ones he has they dont know about this other business" Demetrius said playin with his fingers.

"I don't think I can do it , he would immediately suspect me and I don't even think he bought my story of being a journalist" I said as I felt my self getting a headache.

"Yes you can do it, Make him feel loved,cared for and important and as soon as he opens up to you we will take you into a witness protection system". he told me sounding desperate.

I stood up from the white couch leaving Demetrius by himself and I walked to my bookshelf and stood infront of it thinking about what Demetrius had asked of me.

Weighing the pros and cons of me going ahead with the plan. On one hand I knew that I would be able to get him to open up to me and trust me. I also didn't want to be a side.

"Demetrius incase something goes wrong, how will I be protected" I asked him turning around.

"When you guys are alone I cant promise you safety but when yall are out and about I can have a officer follow you guys to every location" Demetrius tells me.

"I will do it, I will go undercover or whatever this is called" I told him and a smile appeared on his face. "Thank you so much I will talk to Ramonna so she can tell you the rest of the plan" Demetrius said exiting my office.

"We need to meet Tyler, I will text you the deatails of our meeting" I said leaving a massage on his voice mail.

Tyler P.O.V
"okay so let's all get back to work and don't forget to smile to the customers" I spoke to the waiters and bar stuff.

"Mr Raymond you have a massage on your voice mail and I called all the candidates for the PA position" Karine trevor's PA told me as I went to my office.

I listened to the voice massages until I heard his voice 'We need to meet Tyler, I will text you the details'. I would be lying if I said I was not happy that he wants to see me.

A few seconds later I got a text from him with the name of the place where we have to meet each other and also the time.

Arriving at the restaurant that me and kaylib were meeting at I found him already waiting for me and drinking water. he was wearing a black suit and he looked so good.

"Hey thanks for calling wanting to meet with me" i said sitting opposite him. "Yeah I wanted to talk to you about something" kaylib tells me.

"About the kiss I want to apologize, it wasnt my intentions" I tell him as the waiter brought us our drinks and his salad.

"Nah I actually liked it and that's why I wanted to talk to you" kaylib said drinking his soda. "When you asked me if I felt a spark and I said that it doesn't matter what I felt i lied" he said.

kaylib P.O.V

taking his hands into mine. I looked at him straight into his eyes and we were looking at each other and for a moment I forgot that I was lying to him.

"I did feel a spark and that's what scared me" I told him forcing tears to came out. "Shhh its okay" he said wiping the tears off my face.

"I have always loved you Tyler and all this time that I have been back. I have been surpassing my feelings for you" I told him.

"I have also always loved you and I know what I am about to ask you is huge and you can say no if you want" Tyler said softening his voice.

"Okay" I say. "I know I am married but can we get to know each other again" he asked me.

"let's do it let's get to know each other again" I told him.

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