" The fuck's he here for?" Bill asked her.

" I don't even wanna know." Catherine said eyes narrowed. " Probably thought we were all dead."

" Probably." Bill muttered. Catherine grumbled to herself as she passed the cigarette to Bill.

" Word has it he's the newly appointed regimental S-4." Catherine said and Bill's eyes narrowed.

" Let me get this straight, regimental?" he asked.

" You heard me." Catherine said with a sigh looking towards Sobel again.

" But he's a supply officer?" Bill asked and Catherine sighed shaking her head.

" If you call it that." Catherine said, " Didn't think he'd be down around here."

" Hey, Mal, Lizzie." More said as he walked past Skip, Malarkey and Lizzie standing together. Lizzie raised a brow.

" Over there." More said and the trio turned to the truck.

" Jesus." muttered Lizzie her eyes trained on the motorcycle that the three had joyride together in Aldbourne. And so the lovely motorcycle reappeared.

" Sonofabitch." Malarkey muttered next to her as Skip forced a smile to his face. Suddenly, that caught wind of Sobel's ear who was standing close by. Malarkey and Lizzie were silent, staring at the motorcycle before suddenly Sobel appeared.

" Malarkey, Elliot." Sobel called as he walked up. Lizzie noticed as Skip made a quick disappearance, running off to find Catherine. The two saluted, begrudgingly side by side.

" Sergeant Malarkey." Sobel said, " Doc Elliot." Sobel saluted them and they dropped it.

" Sir?" the two asked. Sobel glanced back at the motorcycle and Lizzie felt her blood boil a bit.

" You thought you could get away with it?" Sobel asked the two.

" What do you mean, sir?" Malarkey asked him, cluelessly as Lizzie bit her lip. Sobel glanced at the others and then at the two and then at Malarkey.

" Sergeant, that motorcycle is United States Army property. That may not mean anything to you, but it means something to me." Sobel said.

" Where'd you find it?" Sobel asked. Lizzie muttered a curse to herself as Sobel's onslaught came. Catherine glanced over at the two and let out a low whistle.

" Jesus Christ, this guy, we aren't even his company anymore." Catherine said as Martin grumbled.

" Tell that to him." Martin said and Catherine glared towards Sobel again. Sobel had returned but only for a moment. 

The plane ride was smooth, unlike the early hours of D-Day. It was bright outside, and you could smell the salty ocean and then the fresh fields below them as they reached Holland. The jump was an easy one at that. The clouds were bright and white, the sky was blue and filled with paratroopers who were hit by no enemy as they landed this time. Hazel hit the ground, this time surrounded by paratroopers, and quickly rolled over, unclipping the parachute from her body and losing her reserves, doing so in record time. She ran through other paratroopers making it to the ground and eventually saw a replacement struggling. She quickly dropped to her knees next to him and popped the parachute off and pulled his helmet off before lifting the reserves off.

" Sorry, ma'am." he said.

" Don't worry about it, get moving." she said before standing and taking off again following the general flow of where soldiers were running. Hazel quickly made use of the sniper in her hands and used it as a way to move her way through the ranks past the replacements hanging in the back. She worked her way up through the massive line of paratroopers to the front where Peacock was with Catherine as the two sat with maps. Catherine shook her head in annoyance. Hazel slid down right next to Bull and Catherine.

The Soldier of Stars [1] - Band of BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now