A day breaks

10 1 2

And, as I rose upon the stroke,my boat
Went heaving across the water like a swan

An outstretch of pain comes, more then I can bear, I grit my teeth. I see nothing but her head as it rocks at my open wound.

                                        A grim shape towered between me and the stars, and still...

Automatically I understood what this meant, what I was, who she was but I don't run instead I hold her ever tighter like containing my emotions.

'It's fine don't move...' I strain through the throb of my wound.

'What are you doing? Let me go, you're my meal don't hold me like a child'

For so it seemed, with purpose of it's own
And measured motion like a living thing

strode after me

'I-I understand you...' I say close to a whisper as the pain pulses, she pushes me away with such force that I hit the floor.

'Why aren't you scared? It pisses me off...You taste terrible too, like an oversweetened snack' I see a deep black in her eyes and a glow of red, the look of anger and dissapointment beaming at me with dark intent.

Some tendrils shoot like darts from her back and points at my, there were  smudges of blood on her mouth that glinted not a glassy white but a crimson red, 'You know WordsWorths almost died from that Journey, was it due to nature? His own desire? Both? When he sees the mountain he cries almost alamously:' She cackles before shouting,

'The horizons bound, a huge peak, Black and huge' as she thunders this her tendrils move about and grow bigger as she reels in esctasy from her poem, she was the peak the mountain and I Wordsworth who was doomed at sea by a rocky ocean. And then she with cold red eyes,

Strode after me.

I didn't move as she lands her tendrils at my hand peicng through the skin so I could not move from my place on the ground, I hiss bitterly as I watch her tower over me a smokey red trailing from those dark eyes.

'Your face right now, it excites me...did you even know I was a ghoul?'

I grin through the pain of my position.

 'Y/n listen to me...You're hurting me...the way I would have hurt you...'

Her eyebrows raise and she scoffs, 'silence... appetizer...act like one'

I swallow throught my dry throat hoping she would spear me through my next line, ' And you were mine...When I saw you in the shop, I though nothing of you but how you looked how you would taste, how good a women like you might be in bed...I never saw past your eyes, I never cared of your story your books only your body...and hey look, seems you were the same...We never really loved our hobbies or who was reading what...at one point perhaps I would throw you down to some other man if you don't move the right way or say the right thing, just like you, you'd eat me and leave my corpse to rot right?....' she pauses frozen.

'I've understood now what it's like to be a meal now, a real snack...can we not fight anymore this really hurts...' I quiver. 

There is a dead silence as her eyes scan my bloody body. She just stares looking more and more human despite her ghoul eyes.

'So you...' The tendril moves from my hand and I relax more, 'So we are the same?' She looms over me with a more softer intent as she bows over me as if in defeat, 'And here I thought the world revolved around me....Look at you dripping with blood and still smiling like you're some hero...are you a hero? Well are you?'

My hand reaches for her face painfully, I see tears fill her eyes as she stares like looking at a mirror.

'Depends who is asking...' And with that, I blackout.

                                                              There in her mooring place- I left my bark-

                                                    And through the meadows homeward went, in grave


                                                                                        And serious mood;

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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